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Borlabs Cookie

WP Borlabs Cookie 3.2.5 Nulled

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  • IMPROVED Improved log message when package installation fails due to an outdated version of Borlabs Cookie.
  • IMPROVED When installing a package for the first time, the "Auto Update" option is enabled by default.
  • IMPROVED The "Config is loaded" test in the Debug Console has been improved to detect third-party modifications.
  • IMPROVED The "Plugin URL is set correctly" test in the Debug Console has been improved to detect misconfigured protocols. Tips have been added to help resolve this issue.
  • IMPROVED The CSS of the Debug Console has been enhanced to prevent third-party CSS from overwriting the intended design.
  • ERROR RESOLVED An error occurred when accessing the Legacy Importer section if no legacy data was available for import.
  • ERROR RESOLVED Migration files now update the CSS and JavaScript files for the correct language of the instance in Multisite Networks.
  • ERROR RESOLVED The Debug Console and the library for backward compatibility now load correctly on older versions of WordPress.

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