Blocksy Pro

WP Blocksy Pro 2.0.67 Nulled

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  • Better compatibility with Comment Form Editor with TinyMCE plugin
  • Change archive cards content horizontal alignment option value from left/right to start/end for better RTL support
  • Minor style improvements for WooCommerce checkout and cart blocks
  • Mobile menu - better detect child elements if a menu is not assigned
  • Search through taxonomies improved SQL taxonomies lookup
  • Single product AJAX add to cart more reliable button selector
  • Update mini-cart template to latest version
  • WooCommerce product archive - add possibility to display product tags
  • Single post "Share Box" copy to clipboard option does not work when tooltip is enabled
  • Better check for instance type in the woocommerce_post_class
  • Better compatibility with Nexi Checkout plugin
  • Single product AJAX add to cart better check for form action presence
  • Fix an issue with not correctly breaking words
  • Add visibility option for Added to Cart Popup
  • Content blocks - better compatibility with WowStore (ProductX) plugin
  • Correctly compute stock status for attribute terms in swatches
  • Filters canvas - make sure filters are properly displayed when panel AJAX reveal is enabled
  • Improved calculation of total rating in Advanced Reviews
  • Trigger Added to Cart Popup when clicking the button in floating cart
  • Variation swatches - make sure color swatches are rendered correctly inside off canvas panel
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