Lyrics can now be automatically extracted from uploaded music metadata.
Added "tracks.embed" permission to control whether user can embed track or albums on their own site.
Added "" permission so user can be allowed to view tracks on the site, but not play them.
Mobile controls will now have "account" item by default that will open same dropdown as on desktop. "Account" item in menu manager should be removed to avoid duplicates.
Track list will now queue the whole list in the player the same way as track table.
Improved edit artist, album and track pages layout on mobile.
New tracks will now be added to start of playlist instead of the end.
Hide download button and disable right click menu when viewing local video in full screen mode.
Reposting can now be enabled in both "artist" and "user" modes.
Scrollbar in dark mode in firefox will now match site color better.
Updated data tables across the site and images used when there's nothing to display in the table.
Navbar can now be hidden for custom page.
Role index page will now list users by date user was assigned to role.
Waveform can now be shown on track page in "artist" mode if track was uploaded locally.
Bug Fixes
Removing queue item when in fullscreen queue mode will now correctly update the queue.
Fixed an issue where track list was not sortable sometimes.
Filter within liked tracks page will now work for artist name properly.
Track/album/artist images and music files will now be properly removed when deleting those records from admin area.
Fixed an issue where setting channel other then "discover" as homepage would not work sometimes.
Files will now upload to correct folder when chunked uploading is enabled.
Fixed an issue where it would not scroll to top sometimes when navigating between pages.
Notifications will now have absolute url instead of relative one.
Removed "force subscription" setting. Same functionality can now be achieved by removing all permissions from "users" and "guests" roles in admin area.
Improved update process when updating from versions older then 2.4.6
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where valid mail credentials would be shown as invalid sometimes in settings page.
Fixed an issue where channels created with and older version might not be editable sometimes.
Removed "PHPMail" outgoing mail option as it was deprecated in latest version of PHP.
Fixed an issue with automatic google analytics credentials validation.
Fixed an issue where images uploaded on older versions might not show in some cases.
Added "popular artists" auto update method to channels.
Added "most recently added tracks" auto update method to channels.
Added separate pages for editing user's own tracks and albums outside of admin area.
Added new page for listing tracks and albums for specific tag.
Added configurable GDPR cookie notice.
Added configurable confirmation policies to register page.
Added chunked uploading. This allows BeMusic to upload large files in smaller chunks for better upload reliability and avoid server max file size limits.
Added support for XSendFile and XAcceleratedResponse for reducing server RAM and CPU usage when previewing or downloading files.
Added resumable uploads functionality.
Double clicking video in bottom right corner will now put video in fullscreen mode.
Music and video files, avatars and other media files can now be stored on cloud providers (s3, digitalocean, backblaze etc)
Update site name in channel title automatically when site name is changed in appearance editor.
Channel SEO title and description will now accept placeholders, for example: {{SITE_NAME}}
When editing channel, only content of correct type will now appear in search results.
Channel content can now be updated manually via 3rd party methods from channel page.
Existing tags and genres will now be suggested when creating or editing tracks and albums.
Automatically scroll validation errors into view in track and album forms.
Show progress bar when using "replace file" button in track form.
Improved full screen overlay on mobile.
Local search will now search album and track tags as well.
Added "delete" button to track and album context menu if user has correct permissions.
Always show track/video length in minutes, even if it's longer then one hour.
Redirect user from "billing/pricing" to "billing/upgrade" url if they are already logged in or subscribed.
Remote tracks can now be downloaded via download button in player bar.
Slugs will now be generated properly for cyrillic and chinese characters.
Public uploads (like user avatars) can now be stored on cloud services (s3, digitalocean, backblaze etc.).
Bug Fixes
Corrected a few visual issues with dropdowns across the site.
Setting homepage to "default" in settings page will now load "discover" channel as homepage.
Properly replace existing file via "upload file" button in uploads page.
Fixed a few issues with user avatar and header images in user profile page.
New comment input field will now be properly hidden after clicking enter and submitting a new comment.
Fixed an issue where genre page would sometimes not display when "user" is set as artist type in settings page.
Links without protocol in user profile will now default to https.
Fixed an issue where wrong song would sometimes appear as playing in user profile tracks page.
Sitemap generator will now generate correct urls for albums and artists.
Prevent deletion of billing plans if any users are subscribed to them.
Load album tracks (if not already loaded) when adding album to playlist or queue via context menu.
Keep track length and elapsed time elements same width to prevent issues with progress bar position on longer tracks and videos.
Delete user playlists when deleting user from admin area.
Lines in user profile will now be easier to translate.
Fixed an issue where some artists that exist on spotify would not be found in some cases.
Fix ordering via date column in history page tracks table.
Chart legend items will now wrap to new line if there's not enough space.
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