
WP Automatic.css 3.0.11 Nulled

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  • Fixed right-side pinning incompatibility with Bricks 1.10.3​

  • Fixed text--l utility setting a default font weight​

  • Adjacent sibling margin removal adjustment for Smart Spacing​

  • Fixed auto border-radius toggle being set to "on" on upgrade​

  • Fixed radios/checkboxes spacing having no effect when grid is set (WS Form)​

  • @heading-style() mixin​

  • Apply global heading styles for any specific heading level to a custom selector while ensuring the output is confined only to properties with values set in the dashboard.

  • @text-style() mixin​

  • Apply global text styles for any specific text level to a custom selector while ensuring the output is confined only to properties with values set in the dashboard.​

  • Spacing control for radio and checkbox inputs (forms)​

  • MINOR BREAKING CHANGE: Remove duplicate margins (Smart Spacing)​

  • Dashboard scripts now load in footer and delay by default​

  • Fixed user shortcut panel breaking​

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