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Hotfix for shade saving action​

A seemingly unrelated change to value reversion was affecting the saving of shades. This is now fixed.
Small update to address the lingering “save changes” notice. Expect one more minor release early next week to fix a small dashboard pinning position glitch. With the complete refactoring of pinning, we’re having to go back through and handle the same edge cases with various builders and contexts as we did with the initial dashboard release.

    • Fix the browser-triggered save changes notice when changes are already saved.​

    • .center--self classes no longer apply any flex properties other than align-self: center​

Textures & Overlays has graduated out of "experimental"​

Textures & Overlays is now an official feature.

Initial foundation for the ACSS Card Framework (Experimental)​

We’re building a complete, official framework for managing shared card styles. You’ll see a new Cards dashboard with a toggle switch, but this is only the start of this feature. It’s not yet ready for testing.

Textures & Overlays now support animation​

You can now animate textures with CSS (think gradient animations and more).

New fluid() function for generating clamp functions on the fly​

In ACSS custom SCSS area, you can create custom clamps for any use case with fluid(). The function accepts a min and max pixel value (unit not required), separated by comma, e.g. fluid(20,28);.

New .smart-spacing--off class for cancelling smart spacing on any box/page/template​

You can now selectively cancel out smart spacing anywhere.

Overflow Detection​

ACSS now has an overflow detection mode to visually indicate elements that are creating horizontal overflow.

API file for every builder for better maintainability​

Upgraded to Svelte 5​

Added labels to the color hex and hsl inputs in dashboard​

Added picture tag to figure smart spacing targeting​

Smart spacing will now apply to <picture> elements the same way it applies to <figure> elements.

Set auto grids to 100% width by default​

Some users were using auto grids on divs with no defined width, resulting in the auto grid auto collapsing. 100% default width fixes this.

Specificity adjustment for heading classes​

Expanded border classes​

All sides are now independently available as well as border-block and border-inline and all are available in default, light, and dark.

Defined new CSS vars for forms​

Change default root font size to 100%​

ACSS will now default to 100% root font size on fresh installs (existing installs unaffected).

Various improvements for contextual relationships​

Dividers now use ::after element instead of ::before​

This improves compatibility with overlays.

Removed 0 value avoidance for declaring header height​

Header height is now output as a variable even if a value of 0 is used.

Output all global link styles as variables​

You can now freely use these global tokens anywhere.

Add divider and new border classes and vars to auto suggest and context menus​

Added divider classes to auto suggest and context menu​

Fluent Forms: Override default fixed gap with --f-grid-gutter​

  • Various fixes for contextual relationship link/heading color

Fix for context menus not filling 100% of width for some users​

Sticky offset fallback value fix​

Sticky was falling back to a variable, which, if undefined, was resulting in no fallback value rendering sticky elements non-sticky. This is now fixed.

Change color picker to default when alt color is turned off.​

Revert smart spacing normalize for everywhere​

An adjustment to smart spacing to address a Gutenberg issue was causing erroneous spacing in certain scenarios. We’ve reverted this for now.

Add missing "related color relationship" fields for Texture 2 & 3​

Fix a specificity issue with default heading styles​

Re-mapping default styles to classes using :is() increased specificity for heading selectors. We’ve removed the :is() to reduce specificity back to the standard.
Users can now automatically indicate links that open in a new tab or window with both a visual and auditory cue for better UX and accessibility. We’ll be adding support for SVGs in a future update.

Users can now control the styling of GDPR checkboxes in Fluent Forms. Unfortunately, this won’t fix the atrocity that is GDPR in general.

Users can now use the * selector in textarea inputs in the dashboard without math validation errors.

Improving stability of each release is a top priority. This is yet another part of our process and commitment to stability.

There’s no reason to not smart space content in Gutenberg pages if Smart Spacing is on, so we’ve changed the default behavior.

Gutenberg is a dumpster fire.

Fixed missing opacity control for textarea placeholder text in forms​

Users can now control the opacity of placeholder text in textarea inputs.

Removed some unnecessary console log messages​

When looking at the console, users were seeing some unnecessary, and at times scary-looking, warnings and messages. We’ve cleared out any unnecessary ones to limit instances of emotional trauma.

Fixed a Breakdance conflict with the dashboard and structure panel​

There was a disturbance in the force when opening the dashboard in Breakdance. We let the hate flow through us, so this should be resolved now.

Fixed duplicate inputs appearing on some dashboard searches​

Sometimes when you searched for a word, you’d see duplicate instances of certain inputs. This didn’t produce the desired feelings of comfort, efficiency, and stability, so we’ve fixed it.
There are now two powerful but different overlap recipes to choose from.

You can now easily strip list styling using the @list-none recipe.

Full expansions for all standard and uneven grids.

You can now automagically insert min-width media queries using @breakpoint-up recipes.

Tertiary color and shades are now available in color recipes.

A variable missing a comma was breaking Gutenberg styling in Edge and certain Chromium browsers.

  1. Kevin has created one of the most powerful approaches to section overlaps with CSS and it’s now available via the new @overlap; recipe. You can watch a demo of the overlap recipe here.
  2. There’s now a recipe for declaring a CSS custom property using the new Houdini syntax.
  3. The dashboard is now informed by the presence of specific forms plugins so we can tailor options to form plugins that are active on the site.
  4. Breakdance created an official hook for us so now we can load the dashboard in Breakdance the same way we do in other builders.
  5. Fixed select arrow color in Bricks native forms
  6. Fixed tab borders when using the .wsf-steps class in WS Form
  7. Added styling control for WS Form “Label Inside” option.
  8. Fixed checkbox item spacing when checkboxes are wrapped in a <fieldset>
  9. Fixed option label spacing variable not being defined
  10. Fixed range slider styling
  11. Fixed Fluent Form progress bar styling missing colors when using .form--light
  12. The ACSS panel wasn’t scrollable when Lenis Smooth Scroller was enabled. This is now fixed.
  13. There was no spacing between the page title and the first paragraph in Gutenberg. This is now fixed.

  • Fixed right-side pinning incompatibility with Bricks 1.10.3​

  • Fixed text--l utility setting a default font weight​

  • Adjacent sibling margin removal adjustment for Smart Spacing​

  • Fixed auto border-radius toggle being set to "on" on upgrade​

  • Fixed radios/checkboxes spacing having no effect when grid is set (WS Form)​

  • @heading-style() mixin​

  • Apply global heading styles for any specific heading level to a custom selector while ensuring the output is confined only to properties with values set in the dashboard.

  • @text-style() mixin​

  • Apply global text styles for any specific text level to a custom selector while ensuring the output is confined only to properties with values set in the dashboard.​

  • Spacing control for radio and checkbox inputs (forms)​

  • MINOR BREAKING CHANGE: Remove duplicate margins (Smart Spacing)​

  • Dashboard scripts now load in footer and delay by default​

  • Fixed user shortcut panel breaking​
