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xF2 Add-on [AL] Core Package 2.0.0 PL1

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This version fixes a bug that could cause compatibility issues in class extensions with other add-ons.

Please apply if you are using any older version of this package.

Thanks to @Xon for highlighting the issue and the solution.
Admin panel pages support for code editor fields. Please apply if any of your products require this version.
This version adds the library Mobile_Detect and adds variables available in all templates to detect if the current page is viewed on a mobile/tablet device:

<xf:if is="$xf.isMobileBrowser">
    Visitor is using a tablet or a phone.
    <xf:if is="$xf.isTabletBrowser">
      Visitor is using a tablet.
    <xf:else />
      Visitor is using a phone.
  <xf:else />
    Visitor is using a computer/non-mobile device.
This version adds a compatibility function for XenForo 2.1 to check if an add-on is active or no and several minor changes.

Please apply if any of your products require this version.
This version adds CSV file parser library. Upgrade if an add-on you are using requires this version.
This release fixes a compatibility issue with [bd] API add-on. The issue could potentially affect other add-ons as well, if they use advanced class extension management using the \XF\Extension class, so it is recommended to install this version if you are using any older version of the AL Core package.
This version adds JS file required for a redirect message with custom timeout. Please upgrade if any add-on you are using requires this version.
This version adds support for custom route prefixes. Please apply if any of your products requires this version.
This package contains enhancements required for admin panel pages of some of our add-ons. Please upgrade if any add-on you are using requires this version.
The release contains fixes required for importer-related project. Please upgrade if any of the products you use requires this version.
soluzionibwgLatest member