Ads Manager 2 by Siropu

xF2 Add-on Ads Manager 2 by Siropu 2.4.19

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Carousel images are now loaded using the lazy load method.
Added option (from ad view details) to send advertiser a message via email or alert system.

Various bugs have been fixed as well.

This will hopefully be the last Release Candidate before the final release.
This release fixes various bugs found since RC 1.
This is the first Release Candidate for Ads Manager 2 and it contains some bug fixes as well as some improvements:

Added option to enable keyword and affiliate link parsing when posting. This can be enabled individually for threads, conversations and profile posts.

Added some moderator permissions that allows moderating sticky threads and featured resources.
Added option to preview most ad positions available
Added option to archive ads inactive for more than x days
Added option to set the maximum ad image size
Added option to enable advertisers page where you can view all active ads from advertisers

Various bugs and issues have been fixed.
This release fixes various bugs found since Beta 6.
This release introduces a new ad type called "Affiliate Link" which allows you to convert links to affiliate links.

It has 4 link building options:
  1. Append parameter to affiliate website
  2. Append affiliate website to URL
  3. Replace affiliate website with URL
  4. Use callback to build affiliate URL
Optionally you can replace the link anchor text with a custom text.

You can also hide the affiliate URL when hovering over the link.

This release also fixes various bugs.

If you have Ads Manager 2 Beta x installed, disable it before uploading Beta 5 and running the upgrading process.

This version includes upgrade support for Ads Manager 1.
This version fixes various code bugs and issues.
Added option to inline style individual ads.
Added option to align individual ads.
Added option to inline style ad units.
Added option to open internal keyword links in overlay.
Added special positions used in keyword ads statistics for threads, conversations and profile posts.

Bugs fixed:

Open link in new tab.
Package unit alignment.
Not activating ad when using 100% discount promo code.
Various code issues that could cause errors.
Added custom page criteria options with complete content template list (same as Ads Manager 1).

Added option to globally hide ads on certain pages such as error pages, login, etc.

Positions for Resource Manager and Media Gallery are hidden if add-ons are not installed.

Invoice pay time limit has been added.
samoreisLatest member