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WP AdForest 5.1.8 Nulled

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1. Fixed the sub-category display issue.
2. Fixed styling issues on the ad detail page.
3. Fixed directory listing translation issue.

1. Update security, suggested by Wordfence (Tonn).
2. Fixed the Reset Email token expiry issue.
3. Fixed styling issues on the ad detail page.


1. Added the latest version of the WPBakery page editor plugin.
2. Updated the WooCommerce updated versions in our theme.
1- Fixed the shop and shop details page view issue.
2- Update the missing strings.
3- Update the WooCommerce version of the theme files..
1 - Fixed Ad post page redirection issue.
2 - Fixed the Categories display on the ad post page.
3 - Fixed ad details page bullet issue.
1 - Added "Make child Categories selection required on ad post form" is ON, (Categories Load Style selected Grid.)
2 - Fixed the checkbox fields through the category-based template. when editing the ad.
3 - Fixed The Ads Approval is set to Auto Approval. The user has set some categories "Is Paid" (Gigs and Jobs ). When someone posts ads in the paid categories, it shows them as admin approval.
4 - Fixed When we make any ad sold or expired, the ads can't show on the front end, but the categories show the ad count. The expired/sold ads are not showing on the front end.
5 - Fixed the same translation issues.
6 - Added If we make any category "is Paid," it'll not work in the Grid style. It'll redirect users to the next page without the category base package.
7 - FIxed Event details are not showing on the Event details page.
8 - Fixed Thousands Separator Issue.
9 - Fixed ad search page sub-categories loading correctly, but on the categories search page the sub-categories are not loading
10- Category level five has been added on (ad_post and Search Page)
11- Fixed, redux compatibility issue.
12- Fixed I've assigned one Ad for the newly registered users. After posting one ad, the user needs to be redirected to the packages page, but the users can post multiple ads without any issue.
13- Fixed TGM function issue in this file class-TGM-plugin-activation.php
14- Fixed post-rating issues.
15- Update WooCommerace templates.
16- Fixed Package shortcode issue.
17- Fixed In the "search - with bg-video", a field is available to add a YouTube video URL. But in the Elementor widget, the YT video URL field is missing.
18- Fixed tags and video URL fields are not showing in the ad_post form when you select a categories-based template.
19- Fixed "Vendor services" shortcode, the section title is duplicated in the section description
20- Fixed "Search - Hero 3" shortcode. In the shortcode, an option is available to add button text, but there is no option for the button link.
21- Fixed user profile rating issue.
22- Fixed ad details sidebar issue.
23- Added leaflet location search auto-suggest on ad_post form.
24- Fixed ads widget issues.


1 - Added ACF Custom Fields While creating an Event.
2 - Added Custom fields to the detail page of Events.
3 - Added searching events using custom fields.
4 - Added Package-based event creation.
5 - Added Category based Packages.
6 - Added Package based Ad creation
7 - Added Package to make features from the dashboard and Ad detail page.
8 - Added package-based bump up add
9 - Added Verify user phone number using Whatsapp (to turn on go to Theme Options => Users => Verify Number with Whatsapp(turn on) & Add Your Twilio Verified Whatsapp number(put your Twilio Whatsapp number here)
10- Added Recently Viewed Ads for User
i- When an ad detail page is visited again after visiting it once a recently visited alert is shown on the ad. To enable or disable it go to Theme options=>Ad View Settings=>Show Recently Viewed on the Ad Detail Page
ii- Added recently viewed ads in the Search page, to enable or disable this feature go to, Theme options=>Ad Search Settings=>Recently Viewed
12- Added Show More Ads and Infinity Scroll in the ads search page to enable any of these features go to, Theme Options=>Ads Settings=>Search Settings=>Choose Ads Loading Mode.

1. Added a pay-per-post feature with a theme option.
2. Added paid bump-up ads with a theme option. Only ads update case.
3. A rating feature image with a theme option was added. Update and add case.
4. Added new WP Bakery listing shortcode with sidebar.
5. Added new Bakary banner shortcode.
6. We added a new elementor listing widget with a sidebar.
7. We added a new elementor widget.
8. Upgrade profile location field with Google API.
9. Added the default value option in the widgets map and widgets radius.
10. Added the Show/hide option in the widgets map and widgets radius.
11. Added a widget editable option in the widgets map and widgets radius.

1. Fixed calendar styling issue
2. Fixed default images not showing.
3. Fixed styling issue on the search page.
4. Fixed the "search - with bg-video," a field is available to add a YouTube video URL. But in the Elementor widget, the YT video URL field is missing.
5. Fixed: A user has added the "Date" custom field. While posting the Ad, the date field is not showing correctly.
6. Fixed the tags and video URL fields that don't display in the category where we've selected the default template.
7. It was fixed. The posted ad was not showing on the home page or search page.
8. Fixed the profile page pagination color not liked with the default theme color issue.
9. Fixed translation issue.
10. Fixed the breakpoint issue on the "sugercandy" Home page.
11. Fixed the wrong message on the WooCommerce Thank You page.
12. Fixed the image re-arrangement issue in the mobile view.
13. Fixed the Ad description images that were not showing on the mobile view.
14. Fixed the Map location issue while editing the Event.
15. Minor CSS fixes
16. Fixed the event detail that was missing while editing the Event.
17. Minor js fixes
18. Added the search button for the location widget in the search at the top.
19. The video upload section was missing in the "Search - with bg-video" Elementor widget.
20. The sold and Expired ads did not appear on the search page, although the option was turned on. Now we've fixed it.
21. The Tags and video fields were linked with each other. Now we've fixed it.

All plugins updated to the latest version.
1. Fixed an issue where ads were redirecting to a 404 page after publishing when admin approval was enabled.
2. Resolved the problem causing incomplete WooCommerce orders.
3. Added missing translations for various elements.
4. Fixed the category description issue on the category archive page.
5. Resolved the bug that affected ad expiry days after social login or OTP login.
6. Fixed the field click problem on the registration and login pages.
7. Resolved the currency issue when using the ad feature.
8. Ads redirection to the blog page after posting.
9. Author profile access from the back end.
10. Fixed the "ADs Tabs Modern" widget, and the shortcode does not show the tagline, title, and description on the front end.
11. Fixed WooCommerce outdated copies warnings.
12. Dashboard Mobile layout issues.

1. A new theme option redirects users to a specific page after login or registration.
2. Preloader image change option and text field.
3. Hide the Comment option while posting a review on the author's profile page.
4. Updated the WP Bakery plugin.
5. Tested with the latest WordPress version.
NOTE: Please read this article before updating to for the Multivendor demo (MVX) How to update to MVx

Added :
1) Compatible with MultivendorX
2) The dynamic time interval for appointments instead of an hour
3) Widget open/close behavior in search with the map widget

Fixes :
1) Fimple, the feature option not working in ad posts from the backend
2) Without login appointment system not working
3) Make your self vendor button was not working
4) AdForest Vendor hero signature image missing in the wp bakery plugin
5) Top location issue on search page/
6) Current location issue in ad post-modern google map
7) Double heading on breadcrumb at the ad detail page
8 ) Re-arrange images were not showing properly in the pop-up
9) Category order on the ad detail page
10) The newsletter in the footer was not working
11) The notification was not redirecting to the messages tab in the dashboard
12) Redux updated to the latest version warning removed
13) Compatibility added with the latest Elementor plugin
1) Profile page broken issue fixed.
2) Business hours issue fixed,
Added :
1) Option to turn on/off the rating star on the ad detail page.
2) Events now are packaged based.

Fixes :
1) email template issue on ad alert, ad expiry, and package expiry email.
2) add to favorite heart icons was not working on all grids
3) unable to add and edit adforest packages
4) mark, as featured, was not working from the dashboard
5) fix all broken images linked in CSS.
6) compatible with WordPress 6.1.1
7) process cycle 2 widget description issue
duplicate phone number when added from user profile.
9) timezone selection for business hours was not working

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