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[AddonsLab] Conversation Permissions

xF2 Add-on [AddonsLab] Conversation Permissions 1.6.2

No permission to download
This release fixes user's ability to contact admins if they have exceeded their quota. Conversations still count towards the total quota, but users now can contact admins and moderators.

Thank you!
The release fixes the following PHP error:

ErrorException: Template error: [E_WARNING] Attempt to read property "is_admin" on null

It seems the error would happen if a participant of the conversation is deleted from the database.

Thank you!
We have updated this permission to allow not only admins but also moderators of the board.

This version also fixes a bug with checking the Conversation Quota of a user who starts the conversation.
The release fixes the error that occurs when a user leaves a conversation:

An exception occurred: [TypeError] Argument 1 passed to AddonsLab\ConversationPermissions\XF\Entity\ConversationMaster::AddonsLab\ConversationPermissions\XF\Entity{closure}() must be an instance of XF\Entity\ConversationUser, null given in src/addons/AddonsLab/ConversationPermissions/XF/Entity/ConversationMaster.php on line 18
In this version, we have implemented a new Yes/No permission to allow contacting site administrators even if the number of posts is not enough to contact other users.

This permission is enabled by default for all existing usergroups.


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This version removes the files belonging to [AL] Core package and adds requirement for the add-on Install the upgrade if you see errors from this add-on in the admin panel “files with unexpected contents”.
This is a bug-fix version that restores the message telling the users why exactly they can't start a conversation. Now a message will be shown stating how many posts exactly they should have to be able to start a conversation.
In this version we have implemented a new Yes/No permission to reply in conversations.

This permission is enabled by default for all existing usergroups.​

This is the next update implementing a permission for usergroups to override recipient quota.


coolmaniakLatest member