
Edit conversation title Admin
Allows staff to edit any conversation title.
Edit thread options Admin
Adds additional options to the Edit thread overlay.
XFRM get support button Admin
Makes XFRM get support button open in new tab.
XFRM more information button Admin
Makes XFRM more information button open in new tab.
Conversation reply limit Admin
Limits the number of replies allowed per conversation.
Auto resolve reports Admin
Auto resolves reports based on number of days set in the options page.
Resize all Admin
Resize all attached images over maximum allowed.
Thread reply limit Admin
Limits the number of replies allowed per thread.
Query string cleaner Admin
Removes query strings from URLs contained in posts.
Review edit Admin
Allows staff to easily edit resource manager reviews.
Easy search support Admin
Provides support for Easy search using Enhanced search.
Donation reminder Admin
Sends an email to members reminding them that your forum runs on donations.
ajaymahatopLatest member