Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


A Collection of improvements to XF's reporting system
Workarounds for sporadic deadlocks on busy forums
FAQ Manager by Iversia AnimeHaxor
Frequently Asked Questions / Knowledge Base management.
Brivium - Credits Payment BaoKim AnimeHaxor
This addon authorizes users to purchases credits (Credits Premium) via
Brivium - Redirect on LoginLogout AnimeHaxor
This addon providing a method to redirect users according to an URL-defined parameter after login &
Brivium - View User Posts in Thread AnimeHaxor
This add-on allows to view all posts made by a specific user in a specific thread.
Brivium - Most Followers Member AnimeHaxor
This addon will add most followers tab on notable members page of your forums.
Brivium - Multiple Phrase Create AnimeHaxor
This addon allow to create multiple phrase. You can add as many as you'd like.
Brivium - Members Pagination by Alphabetical AnimeHaxor
Adds a list of alphabetical links to jump to the the page showing members starting with that letter.
Brivium - [Store Product] Change Date Of Birth AnimeHaxor
The 1st product-addon of Store Framework allows users purchases permission to change date of birth.
Brivium - [Store Product] Change Email AnimeHaxor
This is product-addon of Store Framework allows users purchases permission to change their email.
Brivium - Forced Password Change AnimeHaxor
This addon allows admin to force users to change their password on their next page load or login.
Brivium - Store Framework AnimeHaxor
Store is a robust, flexible shopping addon that uses virtual money to sell alot of item types.
Brivium - Admin Style System AnimeHaxor
Easily adjusting and managing all of your styles just only in a board with Admin Style System.
Brivium - Pokes AnimeHaxor
This addon allows user poke other users for a lot of reasons (ex: just saying hello) like Facebook.
Brivium - Image Lazy Loader AnimeHaxor
Image Lazy Loader improves your XenForo performance, load times and reduce server bandwidth.

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