Nulled Scripts Community

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[TH] Connected Account Providers Admin
Eliminate the need for users to create an account for your forum
Article and Forum Connect: XenForo and WordPress Admin
Sync comments between XenForo and WordPress with the method that works best for you.
Location Explain Admin
Add an explanation to the location field
CLI Job / Cron Runner Admin
An advanced CLI triggered job runner for Unix cron with extensive debugging support
Archive Site Admin
Put a site into archive mode and hide unnecessary features from guests
Items This Page Admin
Add template variable $xf.itemsThisPage for how many posts/media items/resources/etc are on a page
Home Page Title Admin
Set a custom title for the home page instead of boardTitle
Hide Signatures Admin
Add a permission setting to control who can hide signatures
Hide Adverts Admin
Add a permission setting to control who can hide adverts
User Activity by Xon Admin
Displays user activity per content
Redis View Counters Admin
Use redis for view counters rather than MySQL
Content BBCode Admin
Adds various content linking BBCode tags to XenForo, including [THREAD], [POST], [SEARCH], [TAG], [X
[Xen-Soluce] Copy Categories - XFMG Admin
This add-on allow you to copy your categories for the XFMG when creating new categories.
[Xen-Soluce] Copy Categories - XFRM Admin
Allow you to copy your categories for the XFRM when creating new categories
[DBTech] Tweet Poster Admin
Automatically post new threads to Twitter.
XFCoder :: Title Ladder Gems Admin
Visualize users position on the User Title Ladder using your selected images, a progress bar etc.
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JeyfreenLatest member