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I have a website and have a forum. I want a person under the article to click the button to leave a comment. After that, the button did the following:
1. If such a topic does not exist, then the topic was created. In fact, the person was on the link (create-thread&title=Article-name-comment)
2. If the topic exists, then the person appeared on the page of writing the publication (/Article-name-comment/add-replies)
A person does not need to log in. Let it do it in manual mode.

Already exists this is addon?
or how to implement it on php or something?

It is very necessary to enable people to publish comments on the forum, without having to enter the "article title discussion" like wikipedia discussions
What is called add-on?

Or just this is a request for an add-on?
Unfortunately, there is no the request to developments add-on. You will need to buy XenForo license. Then you may want to request add-on development, however.
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