Nulled Scripts Community

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  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [UH] XFRM Tags In Discussion 2.2.9

    This simple add-on will add tags created when the resource is placed to the thread of discussion. Adds a new option: AdminCP -->> Setup -->> Options -->> XenForo Resource Manager -->> Add resource tags in discussion
  2. Lars2000

    xF2 Add-on XFRM - Bypass Resource Moderation / Approval 1.0

    This Plugin adds a new permission that let's you allow user-groups to upload resources without having to remove the option to moderate the resources. When using the Resource Manager in XenForo 2 you can enable the option to always moderate resources uploaded to your forums. However, XenForo...
  3. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] XFRM File Extension And Size Display 2.0.1

    This is a simple addon that will show the file extension type and file size in the resource view page. There are no settings for the addon, just install it and forget it. What it looks like: This addon is also available on my site...
  4. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [Liam W] (RIP) [XFRM] Show All Ratings 2.0.1

    This is a simple install-and-done add-on that will show all resource ratings wherever reviews are normally showing, including: Resource view Resource review page Resource 'Latest reviews' page Resource 'Latest reviews' widget
  5. sonic

    xF2 Add-on Translate Ukrainian language for XenForo Resource Manager 2.0 2.0.4

    Ukrainian language for XenForo Resource Manager

coolmaniakLatest member