
  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [BS] Scheduled posting 1.1.3

    .features: Scheduled posting Threads Posts Profile posts Easily creating your own handler for scheduled posting (for developers) Permissions Create scheduled publications View scheduled publications
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [TH] Ignore More 2.1.2 Patch Level 1

    Ignore More Let your users remove content from their view by ignoring forums or threads. Features Add a 'Show ignored content' link when content has been hidden on the news feed and latest activity pages, allowing the ignored content to be revealed Allow users to choose to ignore or unignore...
  3. sonic

    xF2 Add-on [KST] Overlay Conversations 1.0.0

    Creating conversation in a overlay window Options: Redirect or not to the conversation after creation Additional button in the post when viewing the thread, to create a conversation
  4. sonic

    xF2 Style Brivium - Tungsten

    Tungsten is truly simple, responsive as well as dozens of configuration options can be tweaked quickly. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Upload the contents of the upload directory to the root of your XenForo installation. Go into your XenForo Admin Control Panel, click on Appearance, select Styles...
  5. sonic

    xF2 Style Brivium - Chlorine

    INTRODUCTION Chlorine is the 11st free XenForo style designed by Brivium, that flat, modern and simple. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Upload the contents of the upload directory to the root of your XenForo installation. Go into your XenForo Admin Control Panel, click on Appearance menu, select...
  6. sonic

    xF2 Style Brivium - Silver

    Silver Style is made with the classic platform of XenForo with some main changes: The color of text is totally white: We keep it simple white similar to the color of silver. We choose the nature background. The forum is transparent white and it likes looking into a 3D picture. So, do you like...
  7. sonic

    xF2 Style Brivium - Tin

    Tin Style is named under the name of chemical element atomic number 50. Tin is covered by a cool color. The background is blurring the picture of wood and the main color is blue-black made the style becoming cold. The simple texture of XenForo for arranging dashboard of users or menu makes the...
  8. sonic

    xF2 Style Brivium - Nitrogen

    Nitrogen is the 4th free XenForo style designed by Brivium, that clean, modern and fresh. LIVE DEMO
  9. Admin

    xF2 Add-on XF2 [8WR] Member Utilities

    With XF2, I've decided to wrap all my member tools back into a single addon. It's just simpler this way. Screenshots: Basic Features: Prune soft-deleted content after a certain time period Prune unconfirmed accounts after a certain time period Multiple account detection with stealth...
  10. G

    [REQ] XF 2 Tellorium Style

    Hi, please someone have it? It's amazing and I can't get it anywhere, someone maybe? Here is: https://brivium.com/resources/tellurium-material-design-xenforo-2-style.345/
  11. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Quick search 5.4

    Description: Quickly find threads, conversations and resources. (Example of Quick search box on forum list) (Example of quick search results) (Example of Options page) (Example of User group permissions) Features: Quick search box located in the 'forum list' searches thread...
  12. sonic

    Released (Unsupport) XenForo Full 2.0.0 RC 1

    Today we are happy to announce that we are taking a major step toward a stable and supported release of XenForo 2.0 by releasing the first "Release Candidate". After a number of beta releases, the functionality of the product should be complete and the rate of bugs being reported (should) slow...
  13. sonic

    Released (Unsupport) XenForo Full 2.0.0 beta 1

    We are happy to announce that XenForo 2.0.0 Beta 1 is now available to all customers with active licenses. XenForo 2.0 includes a large number of changes, both to the underlying structure of the code and the exposed features. We have previously released a number of developer previews to enable...
  14. Len

    Released (Unsupport) XenForo 2.0.0 Developer Preview 1

    This is an alpha-level release. Do not use it in production. Understand the restrictions listed below before downloading this release. We are very excited to announce that the first developer preview of XenForo 2.0.0 is now available. Any customer with an active license may download this...

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