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xenforo 2.0

  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [Liam W.] Custom Editor Colors 2.2.0

    Description : Customise the colors displayed on the color grid of the message editor in XenForo. This add-on is under the MIT license. Feature summary : Options : //TODO Branding : This add-on does not include branding. Installation : Download and unzip it. Copy the...
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [Liam W.] Thread Solutions 2.5.0

    This add-on allows your users to mark a thread as 'solved' by choosing a post as a solution. These posts are given markup, to make them more obvious, and a link at the top of the thread allows the user to be taken directly to the solution. Multiple solutions per thread are allowed, allowing...
  3. E

    xF2 Add-on Translate Translate French [cXF] Advanced Footer 2.0.1 2.0.1

    Hello everyone , I share the French translation for: [cXF] Advanced Footer 2.0.1 Installation: 1- Log in to your AdminCp: Appearance. 2- Sub-menu: Language. 3- Import ==> Overwrite the language "Français en" (no worries, this has the effect of replacing all the expressions of the add-on...
  4. B

    xF2 Style Light style 2.0.0

    This is a simple light theme for XF 2.0 Installation Instructions: Go to Admin Control Panel select: Appearance > Styles > Import > Child of style: (No Parent) > and then click "Import"

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