Nulled Scripts Community

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  1. S

    xF2 Add-on [XenFun] Selective Username Colored Everywhere 2.2.6

    Compatibility with XenForo 2.2 Bug fixed Fix incorrect locations [XenFun] Selective Username Colored Everywhere allows you to choose whether you wish to show username colors. By default, xenforo does not have this feature everywhere. We have added this feature with major positions but we will...
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Delete posts by username 1.1

    Description: Deletes posts by username where the user account has been deleted. This add-on is designed for admins to be able to easily delete all posts by username where the user account has been deleted. (Example of Delete posts by username search page) (Example of Delete posts by...
  3. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Add Posters Username To The Quote/Reply Link 2.0.2

    This simple addon will add the posters username to the quote/reply links in posts. Example:
  4. E

    Need to fix this

    Hello there,once more i thank every one here for the hardwork done,I do not know the setting i made but when a new user signs up,when wanting to prove it,it says that: Error Please enter a value for the required field 'username'. How can this be fixed? thank you all.
  5. TheFollower

    xF1 Add-on Brivium - Username Change 1.2.0

    This mod will add an advanced Change username System to your forum. Your users will be able to change their usernames x amount of times if they so wish. The mod is group permission based. After you install the mod go to the group(s) that you want its/their users to change their usernames and...
  6. Ha Ha

    xF1 Unmaintained [SSD] Custom Markup For User 1.0.1

    [SSD] Custom Markup For User This add-on allows users to apply custom styling to their usernames and user titles, without the need to allow them to use CSS/HTML. Features Custom Styling, of course Works everywhere, including add-ons* Each styling option can be enabled or disabled Easy addition...

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