
  1. Admin

    xF2 Guides [JoyFreak] Social Profiles

    Live example: Gaming Forum Description This guide will run you through on how to get a little more creative and create a visual flair by displaying a Font Awesome icon on your social profiles. This is an improvement that was released in XF 2.2 and here we will walk through the various social...
  2. Admin

    xF2 Guides [JoyFreak] Set Open Graph Image

    This guide will help you to set your forum's open graph image. It will use the first image in your thread, whether linked directly or attached. Open template: thread_view Find: <xf:set var="$fpSnippet" value="{{ snippet($firstPost.message, 0, {'stripBbCode': true}) }}" /> Add below...
  3. Admin

    xF2 Add-on s9e Media Sites 2.18.3

    This add-on will: Add a carefully curated collection of the most useful and most requested media sites. A list of supported URLs can be found on this page. Improve the performance and efficiency of the default media sites. Pages will load as fast whether there are no videos or 100 videos...

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