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  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] ACP Usergroup Styling 2.0.1

    This small addon will change the usergroup text to show the usergroup colors in a couple of places in the ACP. It shows in the following locations. 1) Usergroup list page. 2) Usergroup edit page. 3) Usergroup permission page. 4) Usergroup permission edit page. Below is an example of what the...
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [Liam W] (RIP) Global Name Styling 2.0.3

    Simple XenForo 2.x add-on that changes all username calls to display them using the usergroup styling. This may cause an increase in per-page queries, however if the data for a user is on the page, then that is cached and as such there are cases when no additional queries are required. You can...
  3. Admin

    WP BuddyBoss Theme 2.7.50

    BuddyBoss makes it easy to share your knowledge and passion while building your audience. and increasing your income. The platform provides structured learning, micro-learning, social learning and gamification for active learning. You can also have your own white label mobile app thanks to...
  4. Ha Ha

    xF1 Unmaintained [SSD] Custom Markup For User 1.0.1

    [SSD] Custom Markup For User This add-on allows users to apply custom styling to their usernames and user titles, without the need to allow them to use CSS/HTML. Features Custom Styling, of course Works everywhere, including add-ons* Each styling option can be enabled or disabled Easy addition...

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