
  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Remove Register Button From Login Form 2.0.0

    Simple addon that removes the register button from the login form. Before: After:
  2. CiYaRa

    WP CareerUp 1.1.22

    CareerUp – Job Board WordPress theme is a complete Job Board WordPress theme that allows you to create a useful and easy to use job listings website . Using CareerUp theme, you can create a complete & fully Responsive job portal, career platform to run human resource management, recruitment or...
  3. B

    xF2 Dev Tutorials Ajouter des icônes FA dans "s'inscrire / se connecter"

    Dans votre template extra.less ajoutez ces codes : .p-navgroup a[href*="/login/"]:before{ font-family: "FontAwesome"; padding-right: 5px; content: "\f08b" } .p-navgroup a[href*="/register/"]:before{ font-family: "FontAwesome"; padding-right: 5px; content: "\f25d" } ScreenShot :
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