
  1. M

    How to change the default encryption method used by xenforo?

    I have been making configurations in the xenforo password hash file, which supposedly is the file related to encryption and password verification, my goal is to change the encryption method that xenforo uses by default which in this case is (BCRYPT), but the truth is I don't know where these...
  2. B

    Script File Sharing for Perfex CRM 1.0.9

    File Sharing for Perfex CRM File Sharing is an online file sharing platform that can be used to share multiple files among clients, partners and colleagues. The files can be sent by email or an url that can be shared with everyone you would like to. Please check out the uploaded screenshots...
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    Script Fundme Crowdfunding Platform 4.9

    Fundme Crowdfunding Platform It is a script for fundraising for various causes, the administrator can add volunteers who can create unlimited campaigns, this script is finished create a community where different people to help those in need either your community or different places. Features...
  4. B

    Script Facit React 3.0.1

    Facit React Admin Dashboard Template Admin dashboard template prepared using Bootstrap 5.1.0 and React 17.0.2. There are monthly, weekly, daily and agenda formatted calendars for rental services. It is ready for your service in accordance with Apex chart design so that you can present your data...
  5. R

    Script Flippy ShoutIt V1.0.0

    Flippy ShoutIt enables you to create an amazing and effective social booking marking site in any niche or multiple niches. We toke bits and pieces from top social bookmarking sites like dig and reddit to create this cool software. It takes less than 10 minutes to setup and run your own...

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