
  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Logo email 1.3

    Description: Adds a logo to your forum emails. (Example of email) (Example of Options page)
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Text Logo 2.0.1

    This is a simple addon, based off of @Brogan's template edit, https://xenforo.com/community/resources/text-logo.7421/ Thanks to @TickTackk for help with the regex. This version of the text logo addon vs Brogan’s is useful if you have many styles and don’t want to edit every one, this does it...
  3. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Daily Doodle Alternating Logo 2.0.5

    Most people know that Google changes its logo on specific days to honor holidays, birthdays, or other notable events. They call these temporary logos "Google Doodles." Many XenForo Admins like to mark special days by temporarily changing our forum logos as well. Usually this means manually...
  4. B

    xF2 Dev Tutorials Centrer son logo dans le header

    Aujourd'hui je vous partage un tutoriel, Dans votre template extra.less ajouter ceci : /* centre votre logo */ .p-header-logo { margin-left: auto; }

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