Nulled Scripts Community

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  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Install and Upgrade 1.1.7

    Install and Upgrade Make installing and upgrading themes, add-ons, and languages on your site easier. Automated update checks This add-on will automatically check for updates for all your add-ons, themes, languages and even XenForo. Sign on with your ThemeHouse or XenForo profiles You are...
  2. RevisedSecurity

    xF1 Released XenForo 1.5.11 - Full Nulled By NulledTeam 1.5.11

    Some of the changes in 1.5.11 include: Workaround a Firefox bug where the Flash uploader shows as an opaque white box. Support redirects in the image proxy and link title conversion process (while maintaining security). Improve autolinking when there are special characters (brackets and similar)...

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