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  1. Admin

    Script OXOO 1.3.9.c

    OXOO- Android Live TV & Movie portal App OXOO is an amazing android live TV & movie portal application.Which included PHP admin dashboard script. You will able to maintain all of your changes easily by use this dashboard. It’s will give the best experience in entertainment as an author of IPTV...
  2. X

    Script Tricky Chat Pro 1.0.0

    Tricky Chat pro is a multi company Live support Chat system build with Laravel. It is very easy to use, highly secure and also very easy to customize. Now You can use it in your multiple business without any third party integration or monthly subscription. This script comes with department wise...
  3. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [AddonFlare] XF2 Awards System 1.4.1

    Need an incentive to increase forum activity? Make your forum more fun for your users, let them show off how active/engaged they are. The more fun your forum is, the more your users will want to keep coming back for more. No one likes a boring forum. Don't want to give out the awards...
  4. Admin

    xF2 Add-on User promotion conversation 1.2

    Description: Sends a conversation when a user account is promoted. (Example of conversation message) (Example of Options page) Features: All phrases start with userpromotionconversation_ for your convenience. Installation: Download and unzip...
  5. RevisedSecurity

    xF1 Style Facebook 1.0

    Facebook and the "f" logo are registered trademarks of Facebook, Inc. This style is not affiliated nor endorsed in any way by Facebook, Inc. Installation: To install this style, simply download it and import the XML file.
  6. RevisedSecurity

    xF1 Style 8 XenForo Default Color Themes 4-14-2015a

    I have put together Eight more default color themes for XenForo. There is XenForo Default Blue, Default Grey, Default Green, Default Pink, Default Purple, Turquoise, Default Turquoise 1 and Default Orange Note: When you upload and install these themes make them a child of the XenForo Default...
  7. RevisedSecurity

    xF1 Style vBulletin 4 2.0

    vBulletin and the “V” logo are registered trademarks of vBulletin Solutions, Inc. This style is not affiliated or endorsed in any way by vBulletin Solutions, Inc. Installation: To install this style, simply download it and import the XML file.

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