Nulled Scripts Community

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  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [XTR] Featured Threads 1.0.4

    Best way to featured threads or show the best threads on forum list. Installation Permissions Options Style Properties Default widget position: Above nodes
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Featured resources 1.6

    Description: Displays a random featured resource in a widget. (Example of featured resources widget) (Example of Options page) (Example of User group permissions) Features: All phrases start with featuredresources_ for your convenience. Installation: Download...
  3. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Featured posts 2.3

    Description: Displays a random featured post from selected forums. The first post of the thread is selected at random and will be displayed in the forum list or other widget location. (Example of Featured posts) (Example of Options page) (Example of User group permissions)...
  4. S

    WP Gameday 3.02.0

    Gameday is the premier responsive sports news and media theme for Wordpress with advanced features including: WooCommerce and bbPress integration, a custom-built scoreboard, a drag-and-drop homepage, a slider on each category page, a fully-responsive layout, fly-out mobile/tablet navigation...
  5. S

    WP Woocommerce Hustle 1.3.15

    A freshly designed, open and responsive business, blogging and store theme with a featured slider, advanced introductory message, optional WooCommerce-powered shop and integration with “Features by WooThemes” and “Testimonials by Woothemes”. With styling for WooDojo’s widgets, this theme can be...

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