email staff

  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Email Staff When New Registration 2.0.0

    Simple addon that will send a email to the users specified in the addon options as soon as someone registers on your site. Addon Options:
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Old thread email staff 1.2

    Description: Sends an email to staff when new post is saved to an old thread. (Example of email sent to staff) (Example of Options page) (Example of User group permissions) Features: all phrases start with oldthreademailstaff_ for your convenience. Installation: Download...
  3. Admin

    xF2 Add-on New report email staff 1.4

    Description: Sends an email to staff when a new report is submitted. This is a great way for staff to be notified of a new report so they act quickly on problems. (Example of email sent) (Example of Options page) Installation: Download and unzip it...

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