Nulled Scripts Community

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  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Remove About Block In Profile 2.0.1

    Simple addon that removes the about block from users profiles. About Block:
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Forum Prefix Filter Block 2.0.1

    Small addon that shows the available prefixes in the forum in a nice block. Clicking on any of the prefixes will filter the threads by the prefix. Example
  3. Admin

    WP DeBlocker 3.4.12

    DeBlocker is a powerful tool and money-saving plugin for websites created by WordPress. The goal of this Plugin is to ask a website visitor to disable browser extensions that block ads. The Plugin defines most browser extensions for ads blocking, such as AdBlock & Adblock Plus, uBlock &...
  4. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Move ACP Icon Links Block 2.0.0

    Simple addon that will move the ACP links block from below the statistics block to above the search for users block. It makes the admin navigation easier to navigate to. The block will now display at the top of the ACP home page. It will however fall below any of the important blocks (if...
  5. Admin

    xF2 Add-on AdBlock Detection [anti-AdBlock] 2.0.5

    Fully featured anti-AdBlock system. Recoup lost revenue by nagging or forcing people to disable their adBlocker. Supports a full page overlay or a simple notice message. The choice is yours. Features: Granular permissions per usergroup 3 overlay themes (dark, light and default) Simple...
  6. B

    xF2 Dev Tutorials Colorer vos blocks dans la sidebar

    Ajoutez ceci dans votre template EXTRA.less : .block-minorHeader { background-color: #0f3652 !important; color: #FFF !important; } --> Screenshot <--

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