
  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Attachment Stats Widget 2.0.0

    Simple addon to show a widget containing your sites attachment stats.
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Post Attachment List Enhancement 2.0.6 Patch Level 1

    This nifty addon will change the look of your attachment list in posts. Thanks to @Mikethemix for requesting this here, XF 2.1 - attachments like vbulletin and thanks to @Russ for providing the code to make this happen, XF 2.1 - attachments like vbulletin Before: After:
  3. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Attachment manager 1.7

    Description: Adds a line feed between each embedded attachment. This add-on improves the appearance of posts with multiple attachments. By adding a line feed between each embedded images, it makes it easier to identify each image and also makes adding a description easier for the author...
  4. A

    attachment not removed from server when thread deleted

    hello guys, please help me about this issue i have "[bd] Attachment store" addon, i don't know if it is the reason for this issue or not, anyway, when i delete a thread containing image's attachments the images does not deleted from the server, i know it should be deleted through cron after a...

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