
  1. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [Andrew] Moderator Panel 2.0.9

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel provides moderators enhanced visibility into user behavior and additional moderator features. The thought is that by providing better visibility to warnings, reports, thread bans, and ignores, moderators will be able to identify problem users faster and will rely less in...
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Admin Notes In ACP 2.0.1

    Some improvements and tweaks for admin control panel Ajax-search field for: Banned users Banned emails Banned IP addresses Discouraged IP addresses Display order sorting for: Thread prefixes Help pages Two-step verification providers User upgrades Member statistics Custom user fields Custom...
  3. Admin

    WP Admin 2020

    Introducing a clean and modern WordPress admin dashboard theme with an optimized dashboard, Google Analytics integration, powerful media library, dark mode, branding and more. More than an admin theme Admin 2020 not only looks great it also adds some powerful features. A clean and modern...
  4. Admin

    WP WPShapere 6.0

    WPShapere – WordPress Admin Theme let you customize the entire look of default WordPress admin theme as you wish. It allows you to hand over WordPress to your customers in a custom way as you think. Customize WordPress Admin as a complete CMS for Your Clients. WPShapere WordPress Admin Theme is...
  5. Admin

    WP WooCommerce Custom T-Shirt Designer 2.0.7

    Shoppers can Upload their own Design/Image/Logo to print on T-shirt while shopping. Add Text or Number on the t-shirt product. Just chose a product and start design. Design can be possible for front and back of the T-shirt. Can select an Image/logo from the existing logo/images to put on the...
  6. F

    Custom User groups avatar borders

    Hello! So let me show you my frustration. xD I was using an older version of Xenforo and this code, was working perfectly. It was looking like this: .Av3 img { /* ADMIN */ border: 3px groove Red !important; } .Av3 span.img.s { border: 3px groove Red !important; } .Av28 img { /* JRMOD*/...
  7. A

    Script One - Admin Dashboard UI Kit 28, 2017

    One Admin Dashboard UI Kit is a gorgeous set developed to inspire Your next design and it’s totally based on Modern Semi Flat Design Standards, you’re absolutely right with this User Interface. RGB PSD files.beautiful and organisation in terms of design and also of their appearance in your...
  8. RevisedSecurity

    xF1 Add-on Thread Stencil -- Default and customizable content for posts per forum 1.0.0

    Thread Stencil by ExtraLicense This addon lets you predefine the editor content when somebody creates a new thread. You can define the text for each forum. How does it work? When you edit a node in the ACP, you will now see a new textbox where you can define what will be put by default in...

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