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  1. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Threadloom Search for XenForo 2.x - 2.1.5 released 2020-09-15

    Corrected issues for that would report errors in logs for PHP under version 7.4
  2. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Threadloom Newsletter for XenForo 2.x 2.1.8

    Threadloom Newsletter lets you easily send your communities best content direct to subscribers' inboxes. It uses algorithms to select your best content. This produces newsletters with higher click rates, and saves you time. You can send newsletters automatically, or create a review panel to...
  3. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on TipMe - 1.1.1

  4. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Admin Control Panel Improvements - [OzzModz] Admin Control Panel Improvements for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.0.0

    Added: Install/Disable/View addon buttons to the addon install complete screen. Added: Addon options dropdown to the addon install complete screen.
  5. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Contact Us Thread - [OzzModz] Contact Us Thread for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.3.7

    Changed title to [OzzModz] Contact Us thread. Changed developer to Ozzy47/Xon Changed Dev url to Snog's site.
  6. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Template Modification Dark / Light Mode Automatic Toggle Switch / jsdmat - 0.4.0 Feature update

    Added capability to react and incorporate user-driven style changes including lock and release scenarios. Added call method to accept user-driven toggle requests ("light to dark" and vice versa). Rebuilt mandatory template modification sheet (PAGE_CONTAINER) to comply to new jsdmat object...
  7. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Username Restrictions - 2.1.0 - Maintenance update

    Require php 7+ Require XF2.2+ Do not apply restrictions to unchanged usernames when editing the user in the admincp.
  8. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Custom Field: Select All 2.0.0

    Description: Adds "select/deselect all" checkbox for multiple checkboxes custom fields.
  9. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Credit migration from Brivium Credits Premium to dragon byte 1.0

    Explanation : We study both addon and target event which have same functionality and migration its data from xenforo 1 to xenforo2 there are two option Migrate all data with events too Migrate only credit
  10. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Template Modification Dark / Light Mode Automatic Toggle Switch / jsdmat 0.4.0

    About jsdmat This modification enables a XenForo installation to automatically toggle light and dark styles based on the user browser's UI setting "prefers-color-scheme". Adding this CSS media feature directly to XenForo CSS definitions is hardly possible for the current architecture. Switching...
  11. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Guides Rebuild User Post Counts (query)

    This is a query which updates user post counts. It takes into consideration moderated and deleted status of threads and posts, as well as each forum's "Count messages posted in this forum toward user total" setting. UPDATE xf_user AS user SET message_count = COALESCE( ( SELECT COUNT(*)...
  12. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Redirection scripts PhotoPost 8.0 URL Redirect Script 1

    Simple redirect script that catches any requests to sendphoto.php or directly to your old PhotoPost data folder and redirects to the new XFMG location. showphoto.php redirects will go to the media overview page, direct data folder links it will go to the full image or thumbnail. Installing...
  13. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on [PN] VK Profile - 1.0.9

    Compatibility with 2.2.8 Added the ability to transfer the "Report" button to the actions menu
  14. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Dev Tutorials Remove (validation) tag line

    I received a few messages regarding the tag line in Xenforo Resource Manager. In the meanwhile I have tried to create an addon so it would be easier for you guys. But unfortunately some file need to be edited manually. So here by a tutorial to remove the validation of the tagline, and also an...
  15. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on Translate XenForo Importer Spanish translation - Version 1.5.1

    Update to last version // Actualizado a la última versión
  16. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on [OzzModz] Members' Local Time - [OzzModz] Members' Local Time 2.0.0 Patch Level 2

    Changelog: "Message user info elements" style property is not working (PS: disabled by default) Properly hook template modification for user message info (was displayed in the wrong place )
  17. AnimeHaxor

    xF2 Add-on TipMe - 1.1.0

    Now it is freely selectable which provider is used. Before, it was fixed to I look forward to your feedback.

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