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  1. TheFollower

    xF1 Add-on Brivium - Username Change 1.2.0

    This mod will add an advanced Change username System to your forum. Your users will be able to change their usernames x amount of times if they so wish. The mod is group permission based. After you install the mod go to the group(s) that you want its/their users to change their usernames and...
  2. TheFollower

    xF1 Translate Translation for ArrowChat [FR] v1.8.41

    Today I share extension; XenForo ArrowChat created by team76 This extension allows you to translate ArrowChat v1.8.42
  3. TheFollower

    xF1 Add-on Taigachat Pro - Automatic Replies and Rankings 1.0.1

    ATTENTION: you must have TaigaChat Pro add-on for use this add-on ! Features: Usergroup permission (view ranking) Users limit for ranking Unlimited autoresponders Text/answer User ID (BOT) - Select the user that will be used for each answer

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