Yin & Yang is a clean, responsive, and easy-to-use WordPress portfolio theme. Quick to setup and easy to customize, thanks to the powerful admin panel, and the detailed documentation, Yin & Yang is the perfect theme for showcasing your most important work directly in front of your potential clients.
Yin & Yang has got you covered on all fronts, so if you ever get stuck on anything, rest assured that you’re going to get the help of a professional, if and when you need it, because Yin & Yang comes with excellent customer support.
Theme Features
- Fully responsive and retina-ready
- Excellent customer support
- Unique animations and transitions
- Carefully handcrafted
- Semantic and clean HTML5
- Coded with progessive enhancement and SEO in mind
- Strong focus on user-experience, usability, and beautiful typography
- WordPress 3.0+ ready (featured images, custom post types, custom menus)
- Unbranded theme options
- Extensive documentation
- Localisation support
- 6 Widget areas
- Filterable and ajaxified portfolio
- Awesome jQuery slider
- Readable and well-documented code
- Threaded comments
- Drop-down menus
- Custom default gravatar support
- Custom 404 page
- And much, much more…