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XFilesharing Pro

Script XFilesharing Pro 4.0 Nulled

No permission to download
! Perl 5.38 support
! Front-end completely redesigned
! Now can run on Nginx (FastCGI mod required)
* New default theme
* User Roles / ACL manager
* New single-page HTML5 uploader
* UTF-8 support in generated .zip files (Archived mod)
* Fixed G2FA regression due to Charts API deprecation by Google
* Custom user types and premium packages creation
* Lifetime premiums support
* Fixed year 2038 problem
* Now correctly reads 32-bit GeoLite2 MMDB files
* Advertisement manager
* Logo changer
* Payments proof page
* SEO settings
! Perl 5.34 and 5.36 support
! MySQL 8 compatibility improvements
! Premium Plus plans support
! Cloudflare R2 support
! Servers throughput monitoring in Admin Servers area (Advanced download mod)
! Permalinks generation support
+ Upgraded Advanced download mod core to Nginx 1.25.2
+ FTP APPE support (FTP mod)
+ Added Admin Transactions and Admin Whitelist pages
+ Recaptcha V3 support
+ Google Analytics V4 support
+ Preserve uploader IP for background-mode remote URL uploads
+ Sort mode is now preserved after navigating through My Files paging
+ Uploaders can now be assigned to specific servers
+ Switched Reseller API authentication mode to key-based for the security purposes (Resellers mod)
+ Account password-based API authentication is now only allowed from whitelisted IPs
+ Old sessions are now getting deleted after password change
+ Require by-email confirmation for login attempts coming from unusual countries
+ Improved fileserver randomization during web uploads
+ Fixed dangling files problem after transfer cancel on multidrive fileservers configurations
+ Added uploads field in My Reports detalization
+ Chunked uploader support in embed upload form
+ Anti-debrid area security improvements
+ 3DSnappy support (Payment gateways mod)
+ SMTP settings are now available in Admin Settings area
+ SMTP XOAUTH2 authentication support to avoid less secure apps deprecation problems with Gmail
+ Improved cross-fileserver transfer reliability
+ S3 multipart upload support for handling files larger than 5 GB (CDN mod)
+ Fixed S3 transfers from multidrive fileservers configurations (CDN mod)
+ Improved server-to-server and CDN-to-server transfer reliability
+ Server ID fixup support in DB-to-File checker
! Introduced Install center for easy mods deployment & update
! Desktop sync app (Cloud drive mod, Windows)
! Multiple main servers support on high-load configurations
! Multiple download domains licensing option
! Changed frontend URL scheme
+ Background Remote URL upload support
+ E2EE decryption support on mobile devices (Encryption mod)
+ Added Anti-debrid center
+ Added Yoomoney support (Payment gateways mod)
+ Internal server errors are now human-friendly
+ API-based remote URL upload support (API Mod)
+ Added API Description page (API mod)
+ Fixed Crypt::SSLeay failures during install on modern CentOS-based distributions
+ Paysera plugin is not depending on URI::Query anymore (Payment gateways mod)
+ Access to Transmission engine web interface through Admin Torrents (Torrents mod)
+ Fixed import timeouts when downloading huge torrent files (Torrents mod)
+ Short links and advanced download mod links support in DMCA IMAP fetcher
+ Fixed parsing base64-encoded messages in DMCA IMAP fetcher
+ Fixed forgot password form wrong session errors with some web mail providers (such as
+ Improved forgot password form security
+ Added randomized passwords mode in FTP mod settings (FTP mod)
+ Added captcha on anonymous file deletion page
+ Added Pay type and Pay email into account's withdraw requests history
+ Non-MP4 files playback (Video & MP4 Encoding mod)
+ Terminate other sessions on password change due to security reasons
+ Merged Aff ID and Webmaster ID in a single cookie to improve Aff to Website consistency in Affiliate system
+ Affiliate cookie is now encrypted with HCE_MD5 for tamper-proof
+ Added Items per page & Files ordering controls into My Account
+ Video preview generation support (Video & MP4 Encoding mod)
+ My Files Export link format constructor
+ Fixed upload options (such as upload to folder / add password / e.t.c.) during chunked upload
+ Fixed huge files transfer progress
+ Fixed SSL errors on some setups
+ Fixed special chars handling in UNIX symlinks mode
+ Option to enable/disable hold profits for specific user
+ Fixed collation failures when supplying non-UTF8 usernames on the login form
! Perl 5.32 support
! MySQL 8 support
! Important bugfixes and improvements related to IPv6 handling
! Switched to GeoLite2 MMDB file format instead of legacy GeoIP
! Advanced download mod now supports autostart on Systemd configurations
+ Now can edit webmaster's sites list in admin_users interface (Webmaster mod)
+ Country detection is now working for IPv6
+ Added VoguePay support (Payment gateways mod)
+ Added admin_resellers interface (Resellers mod)
+ Implemented trash management support in admin_files
+ Human-friendly too many connections message (Advanced download mod)
+ Fixed PaySera integration (Payment gateways mod)
+ Added option to set all files to be premium-only by default (Rewards mod)
+ Approved affiliates can now upload even if disabled for corresponding user type in admin_settings -> User Limits
+ PremiumTurkiye support (Payment gateways mod)
+ zip.cgi is not depending on Archive::Zip::SimpleZip anymore (Archives mod)

HaseebIqbaldevbLatest member