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[XFA] RM Marketplace

xF1 Add-on [XFA] RM Marketplace 3.9.0

No permission to download
Corrected bugs:
  • ErrorException: Undefined variable: errorPhraseKey - library/XFA/RMMarketPlace/ControllerPublic/User.php:26
  • An exception occurred: getimagesize(*): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in */library/XFA/ThirdParty/pdf-invoicr/phpinvoice.php on line 89
  • Note input on paypal not registered in the note field of the purchase

New features:
  • Option to select the US like shipment address format for shipment info (only applies to purchases post activation)
  • [Physical product] Sellers can now input shipment data, eg. tracking number or tracking url, which is then visible to the buyer
  • [Dashboard] Capability to filter sales per shipment status in View Sales tab
XML version was wrong in file.

chenbalandLatest member