[XFA] Forum Statistics

xF1 Add-on [XFA] Forum Statistics 2.2.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Additional Requirements:
XenForo Resource Manager > 1.1.x (optional - for RM statistics)
XenForo Media Gallery > 1.0.x (optional - for MG statistics)
Xen Factory Document manager > 1.0.0 (optional - for DM tags statistics)

This add-on allows you to display different statistics on a specific set of pages of your forum, regarding the forum, the tags, the user activities, the resource manager and the media gallery.

You can place each block individually in the right column or left and finely select which stats shall be displayed.
Fully responsive.



    • Usergroup permission to view the statistics
    • Dedicated page
    • Links to statistics pages either in the sub-navigation bar or a dedicated menu in the sidebar of the statistics pages
    • For blocks, configurable number of items
    • Fine configuration of which stats to display
Forum statistics

    • In the add-on sidebar:
      • # Total threads
      • # Total Posts
      • # Members
      • # Post today
      • # User online today
      • # Threads today
      • # Most online users ever
      • # Most Online Users today
      • Latest user name
    • As blocks:
      • Latest posts list
      • Latest threads list
      • Most viewed threads list
      • Top threads list
      • Most liked posts
      • Top posters list (sidebar)
      • Most liked user list (sidebar)
      • Top forums list (by #threads)
      • Top forums list (by #posts)
    • Exclude forums from stats
    • Exclude specific threads from stats [NEW 2.2.0]
    • 2 Layout Display for Top Forums:
      • Default xF layout
      • Light Forum statistics Like Layout
Resources Manager statistics

    • In the add-on sidebar:
      • # Total categories
      • # Total resources
      • # Resources today
      • # Total downloads
      • # Downloads today
      • # Total comments
      • # Comments today
      • # Total ratings
      • # Ratings today
      • # Total reviews
      • # Reviews today
      • # Total updates
      • # Updates today
    • As blocks:
      • Latest resources list
      • Top resources list
      • Most downloaded resources list
      • Most reviewed resources list
      • Most updated resources list
      • Most commented resources list
      • Top categories list (sidebar)
      • Top authors list (sidebar)
Media Gallery statistics

    • In the add-on sidebar:
      • # Total categories
      • # Total albums
      • # Albums today
      • # Total downloads
      • # Total uploaded medias
      • # Uploaded medias today
      • # Total embedded medias
      • # Total comments
      • # Comments today
      • # Total disk usage
      • # User statistics
    • As blocks:
      • Latest albums list
      • Most items albums list
      • Most commented albums list
      • Highest rated albums list
      • Most rated albums list
      • Most liked albums list
      • Most viewed albums list
      • Latest medias list
      • Most commented medias list
      • Highest rated medias list
      • Most rated medias list
      • Most liked medias list
      • Most viewed medias list
      • Top categories list (sidebar)
      • Top contributors list (sidebar)
Tags statistics [NEW 2.2.0]

    • In the add-on sidebar:
      • # Total tags
      • # Total tagged threads
      • # Total tagged resources
      • # Total tagged medias
      • # Total tagged documents
      • # Total tagged threads today
      • # Total tagged resources today
      • # Total tagged medias today
      • # Total tagged documents today
    • As blocks:
      • Latest used tags
      • Most used tags
      • Latest used tags on threads
      • Most used tags on threads
      • Latest used tags on resources
      • Most used tags on resources
      • Latest used tags on medias
      • Most used tags on medias
      • Latest used tags on documents
      • Most used tags on documents
Users Activity Statistics

    • # Online users last 24H with members, guests (optional) and robots (optional)
    • Last X mins users activity list (X between 1 and 60)
    • Autorefresh rate of the users activity statistics page

45.8 KB
First release
Last update

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