[XFA] Extended Cover

xF1 Add-on [XFA] Extended Cover 4.2.9

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
  • XenForo > 1.4.x


Have you ever wished to have a more neater look'n'feel for the threads, forums and profiles on your forum ? Then Extended Cover is just what you wished for !

With adequate permissions, your members can select to upload multiples cover images when they create a new thread and theirs profiles on your forum to customize it. This is kinda similar to the facebook profile cover image.
You can olso upload multiples cover images in forum edit.


  • Fully responsive
  • Usergroup permission
  • Set of options to customize the add-ons to your needs:
    • Thread :
      • Enable
      • Display cover on mobile
      • Display cover on tablet
      • Active Forum
      • Enable redirect mode : Redirect to cover manager after thread creation
      • Force redirect mode
      • Open link mode : Target blank / Same Page
      • Maximum Attachment File Size
      • Maximum Covers per Thread
      • Allowed Cover File Extensions
      • Maximum Cover Image Dimensions
      • Button display position : Top Ctrl (Near breadcrumb) / Thread tools menu
      • Slider Autoplay Speed
    • Forum :
      • Enable
      • Display cover on mobile
      • Display cover on tablet
      • Active Forum
      • Open link mode : Target blank / Same Page
      • Maximum Attachment File Size
      • Maximum Covers per Forum
      • Allowed Cover File Extensions
      • Maximum Cover Image Dimensions
      • Slider Autoplay Speed
    • Profile :
      • Enable
      • Display cover on mobile
      • Display cover on tablet
      • Open link mode : Target blank / Same Page
      • Maximum Attachment File Size
      • Maximum Covers per Profile
      • Allowed Cover File Extensions
      • Maximum Cover Image Dimensions
      • Url For Default Profile Cover : Visible only to the owner of the profile
      • Slider Autoplay Speed
    • RM Category :
      • Enable
      • Display cover on mobile
      • Display cover on tablet
      • Active categories
      • Open link mode : Target blank / Same Page
      • Maximum Attachment File Size
      • Maximum Covers per Profile
      • Allowed Cover File Extensions
      • Maximum Cover Image Dimensions
      • Slider Autoplay Speed
    • RM Resource :
      • Enable
      • Display cover on mobile
      • Display cover on tablet
      • Active categories
      • Open link mode : Target blank / Same Page
      • Maximum Attachment File Size
      • Maximum Covers per Profile
      • Allowed Cover File Extensions
      • Maximum Cover Image Dimensions
      • Slider Autoplay Speed
    • MG Album : NEW IN 3.3.0
      • Enable
      • Display cover on mobile
      • Display cover on tablet
      • Open link mode : Target blank / Same Page
      • Maximum Attachment File Size
      • Maximum Covers per Profile
      • Allowed Cover File Extensions
      • Maximum Cover Image Dimensions
      • Slider Autoplay Speed
    • MG Media : NEW IN 3.3.0
      • Enable
      • Display cover on mobile
      • Display cover on tablet
      • Open link mode : Target blank / Same Page
      • Maximum Attachment File Size
      • Maximum Covers per Profile
      • Allowed Cover File Extensions
      • Maximum Cover Image Dimensions
      • Slider Autoplay Speed
    • Multiple slider transitions
    • Resize image : NEW IN 3.3.0
      • If yes, the background will be the background-size property set to cover
        The repositioning can be done only vertically
      • If not, the background will not resize
        The repositioning can be done vertically and horizontally
  • Style properties to customize the rendering of the cover (background, border characteristics, or any other css).
  • Multiples cover in threads, forums, profile, RM (category and resource), MG (Album and Media NEW IN 3.3.0)
  • Reposition Cover and Delete Cover in Manage Cover
  • Thread prefix and RM prefix default cover
  • Cover Slider:
    • Cover display order NEW IN 3.3.0
    • Stop slider on mouseover NEW IN 3.3.0
236.4 KB
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Maintenance Release

    Bug fix: Bug with attachment handler
  2. Maintenance Release

    Bug fixed: Error in Showcase (2.7) admin categories Error with Showcase handler in browser...
  3. Maintenance Release

    Bug fix : Bug with AMS Category Bug with transitions Bug in profile page New features : 3...

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