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XenForo Importer Spanish translation

xF2 Add-on Translate XenForo Importer Spanish translation 1.5.1

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Update to last version // Actualizado a la última versión
Update to the last version.

100% complete
Update link and file to the last version
Added 100% COMPLETED translations of version 2.1.0 BETA 2 and its official add-ons. Of course, it includes all translations of the almost 3,000 Emojis.

I put here a link to try that the sites that do business with publishing these same files, stop doing it.

You no longer need to access a site with unethical and unsafe content to get them, simply click on the link.!TXIkxagS!-gOkJiVG4fa2qZbB-vQo5stNxH_wHy6EzXFeCOCn3-g

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