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XenForo 1.5.23 Released Upgrade - Nulled By NulledTeam

xF1 Released XenForo 1.5.23 Released Upgrade - Nulled By NulledTeam 1.5.23 Nulled

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.5
XenForo 1.5.23 is now available.

This version makes a number of changes to improve compatibility with PHP 7.3.0. However, at this time, we do not recommend using PHP 7.3.0 in production due to a bug that can cause code to execute incorrectly, potentially leading to data loss. We believe this bug will be resolved in PHP 7.3.1 when it's released.

Some of the changes in XF 1.5.23 include:
  • Improve PHP 7.3 compatibility.
  • Fix an issue with cURL requests not using the expected HTTP version.
  • Apply limits when logging exceptions to ensure they aren't silently ignored.
  • Remove unexpected HTML encoding in avatar URLs displayed in auto complete results
  • Remove Person markup in message_user_info as there is some evidence that Google may not be happy with this. (XF2 takes a different approach here already.)
  • In IE, disable the first slide animation when opening the smilies drawer to prevent a render glitch.
  • Fix incorrect link to Safari cookie management page.
The following public templates have had changes:
  • member_view
  • message_user_info
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.

Please note that we are now formally recommending that you upgrade to PHP 7.2 or newer. XenForo 2.0 requires PHP 5.4 or newer. XenForo 2.1 will require PHP 5.6 or newer. If you are running a version below PHP 5.6, you will receive a warning when installing or upgrading XenForo.

More Stable

This release follows our principle that third-point (x.x.X) releases should always be more stable than the preceding version, so for the most part you will not find new features in this release. Major new features will be reserved for second point versions (x.X.x).

Installation and Upgrade Instructions

Full details for how to install and upgrade XenForo can be found in the XenForo Manual.
5.9 MB
First release
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