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WP Media Folder

WP WP Media Folder 5.5.2 Nulled

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Stop searching for an image through thousands of media, and instead just navigate like you do on your desktop file browser. You'll be able to upload and drag'n drop media into folders and sub-folders.

WP Media Folder is a real time-saver plugin, with it, you can manage and order files and images, from the native WordPress media manager. Using the default WordPress media manager also means that the plugin will be highly compatible with all the other plugins that you're using. There's nothing else to add, just watch our demo to get a clear idea of what you can do with it. The plugin also includes an enhanced version of the WordPress gallery manager, with themes + a NextGEN Gallery importer.

Demo :

11.7 MB
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Version 5.5.2

    Fix Auto update plugin Fix Conflict style witn Easy Digital Downloads plugin Fix Gallery image...
  2. = 5.3.17 =

    * Fix : Translation not work when setup language by user profile * Fix : Move the files on mobile
  3. = 5.0.1 =

    * Add : PDF embed without the pagination * Add : Possibility to connect Google shared drive...

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