- FIXED audio upload & sharing from admin panel if disabled, voice messages cannot be sent to users from the chat system.
- FIXED featured posts are disabled, pro members still gain the "featured post" privilege.
- FIXED when creating an advertisement in the audience section, if nothing is selected, there is an inscription: "nothing selected."
- FIXED event dates is not correct on sunshine theme.
- FIXED image rotation is not working correctly when you upload an image.
- FIXED br is added automatically when adding a new custom page, which causes issues.
- FIXED posting to friend timeline was not working.
- FIXED the "load more" button in the "pastevent" page in event system was not working.
- FIXED disabling monetization does not remove the subscription link from the logged-in user dropdown menu.
- FIXED if you edit blogs, it deletes "é," "á," "í," "ó" characters.
- FIXED the decimal point of the commodity amount in "market" was wrong.
- FIXED if a blog was approved from admin side, the money and points were not being credited to the user.
- FIXED sometimes uploading .docx doesn't work.
- FIXED if the user cancels a transaction, it was going to oops page instead of the wallet page.
- FIXED no one can see the comments added to reels.
- FIXED when viewing the reels, you cannot see who added the reels; only the photo in a circle.
- FIXED in the instagram mode version, there was no reels.
- FIXED load more for reels in profile not work.
- FIXED ok.ru login system had some issues.
- FIXED cashfree payment method required updating.
- FIXED login with wordpress was not working.
- FIXED ig mode sometimes can't be activated.
- FIXED 10+ api-related issues.
- FIXED 34 other minor bugs in code and design.
- IMPROVED speed after v4.3 update.
- IMPROVED speed of search system in admin panel.
- UPDATED few sections in sunshine theme (design).
- FIXED add account page broken on both themes.
- FIXED sometimes reels not loading more than 6 videos.
- FIXED social login system.
- FIXED showing dublicated transactions in wallet page.
- FIXED if a feature is turned off, it is still showing in directory page.
- FIXED comment section not showing in watch page.
- FIXED video playing in background instead of lightbox in watch page.
- FIXED sometimes photos were showing in watch page.
- FIXED 10 other minor bugs.
- FIXED if you post a public post, then make it monetized, the subscribe button will not show.
- FIXED images were loading in reels.
- FIXED showing youtube videos on watch page which cause some issues.
- FIXED shwoing only one video in watch lightbox.
- FIXED monetization system caluclation was incorrect.
- FIXED showing the same ad multiple times in the story section.
- FIXED reels system, not showing more than 10 videos.
- FIXED scrolling down on phone does not work on reels page.
- FIXED currency issues in monetization system.
- FIXED backend config encryption system, the secret keys were not encrypted and could cause data leak.
- FIXED many issues in design.
- FIXED 10 other minor bugs.
- ADDED monetization system, users are able now to sell their own content like only fans.
- ADDED directory system, users can view the site content without the need to login.
- ADDED the option to choose the default landing page, NewsFeed, Register, Welcome or Directory.
- ADDED reels system, users can upload their own videos as reels.
- ADDED watch page, users can view and watch all videos from one page.
- ADDED qiwi pament method.
- ADDED payfast payment method.
- ADDED switch accounts system, user can login to multiple accounts.
- ADDED the ability for users to create ads in story system.
- ADDED wordpress login system.
- FIXED 95+ reported bugs in the system.
- IMPROVED code in few files.
- UPDATED few libs in PHP.
- IMPROVED nodejs chat system speed and code.
- FIXED contact us page on sunshien theme.
- FIXED messages list not showing on phone in sunshine.
- FIXED turn off / on notifications on sunshine theme.
- FIXED notifications bell not showing on sunshine on profile page.
- FIXED announcement text not showing on sunshine theme.
- FIXED comments cannot be made on blogs.
- FIXED users cannot be verified by moderators.
- FIXED avatars cannot be changed in manage genders page in admin panel.
- FIXED sorting by price doesn't work well on marketplace.
- FIXED creating an article in the blog and publishing it, it does not show words with accented letters.(à,è,ì,ò,ù).
- FIXED 10+ minor bugs in back and front end.
- ADDED new theme, updated sunshine to v2 completely.
- ADDED AI image generation system, now users can generate images directly and post them.
- ADDED AI post and text generation system, now users can generate texts and post ideas directly and post them.
- ADDED AI article generation system, now users can generate articles in blog system.
- ADDED AI image editing system, users can edit their avatar and cover as they want using text promots.
- ADDED AI system using credit system, charge your website's users for each image, text generated.
- ADDED google authentication for two authentication system.
- ADDED authy authentication for two authentication system.
- ADDED Braintree payment gateway.
- ADDED new APIs.
- ADDED username restriction, disallow and band usernames.
- ADDED photo quailty option in admin panel.
- ADDED the ability to enable or disable start up page.
- ADDED the ability to choose RTL lang from admin panel.
- ADDED support for PHP v8.2
- UPDATED text editors.
- FIXED 10+ API issues.
- FIXED sitemap system generating more than 50K element in one file.
- FIXED Yoomoney payment not funding.
- FIXED text editor can't add images in edit terms or edit pages in admin panel.
- FIXED filter by active users in Admin > Manage Users not working.
- FIXED Moderator cannot edit languages.
- FIXED disabling blog system still showing create article link in header.
- FIXED Google Vision API not working if posting an album.
- FIXED video is no auto pausing if you scroll down to other posts.
- FIXED banned user's posts still showing on hashtag page.
- FIXED if the hashtag has capital letter it makes it an entirely different hashtag.
- FIXED broken datepicker in settings page.
- FIXED Invitation codes can not be generated in admin panel.
- FIXED /movies/watch url returning 404 page.
- FIXED when you create a fake user, and login in using the fake user info, you'll go to 404 and can't login in
- FIXED can't upload SVG images from edit or add reactions from admin panel.
- FIXED openweathermap API call, now it's all paid.
- FIXED The pro membership levels are still showing the old names on the dashboard even after changing all the names.
- FIXED ReCAPTCHA is not showing on first visit to contact us page, if you refresh the page it will be showing then.
- FIXED Google Translation is not working.
- FIXED The notification sound is not working with Ajax.
- FIXED can't logout using nginx.
- FIXED all emails are being sent like mime format.
- FIXED Events that have been finished, shouldn’t be open to join.
- FIXED If you want to make a user Admin of your page, Privileges can not be changed for that user. The button is not working
- FIXED 1 security issue.
- FIXED 20+ more minor bugs.
- ADDED Cache System, now your website speed is 80% faster, average load dropped from 1.2s to 0.15ms, Admin Panel > Settings > General Configuration.
- FIXED 4 security issues, in follow privacy, bruteforce on login & two auth, XSS in messages using nodejs.
- FIXED 2+ more minor bugs.
- FIXED multi user delete was not working from admin panel.
- FIXED slow load when visiting the website first time.
- FIXED br tag showing on user about, pages, groups and products.
- FIXED wasabi not working with nodejs.
- FIXED jpg images with webp mime type returning null images.
- FIXED videos are playing even though you play another video.
- FIXED coinbase payment returning to 500 Internet server error when canceling a payment.
- FIXED profile completion system not working in Instagram mode.
- FIXED movies cannot be added by moderators.
- FIXED showing long balance in my earnings page.
- FIXED post limit per hour not working.
- FIXED 4+ more minor bugs.
- FIXED funding page design was broken.
- FIXED sending a not supported file in chat won't show the wrong file format pop up.
- FIXED when you send a file or an image in chat, clicking on the image doesn't open it.
- FIXED "now ago" showing on notifications.
- FIXED files are not being deleted from third party storage after deleting the post.
- FIXED article link will not open if there an extra slash at the end.
- FIXED 4+ more minor bugs.