WordPress Automatic Plugin

WP WordPress Automatic Plugin 3.102.0 Nulled

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Fix: Google News back to work again after recent changes from Google
NEW: Search and replace option now search and replaces in custom fields using specific extraction to custom field option
NEW: Support for multiple API tokens from apfiy
NEW: Feeds module option to allow feed items with empty titles
Fix: Youtube Trending videos option region now works
Fix: Facebook Events now extracts the correct event description
Fix: AliExpress back to work after recent changes from AliExpress side
NEW: Youtube new option to post trending videos
NEW: gpt-4o-mini is now the default used model if no model was chosen
Fix: AI processing for prompts now restores missing embedded YouTube codes
Fix: Apify back to work after recent changes that triggered an error Field input.proxyConfiguration is required
Fix: Facebook group posts full text extraction now back to work
Improved: Youtube posting from a channel can now accept channel URL instead of ID
  • NEW: Feeds/Multi-scraper option to extract original meta description and set as SEO meta description
  • NEW: Twitter option to auto embed direct video URL instead of Twitter embed code
  • NEW: Twitter new tag [item_video_url_direct] to get direct video URL for embed
  • NEW: Reddit option to set flairs as tags/categories and a new tag [item_flairs] to return them
  • NEW: option to not remember imported posts urls
  • Fix: Facbook events import back to work for new page experience pages
  • Fix: eBay now reset the keyword search index after reaching 10k results which is eBay limit
  • Fix: Feeds/Multi-scraper relative links fix algorithm improved
  • Like
Reactions: LVGOS
Fix: The previous version created categories even if the option was not enabled, now sorted
- NEW: option to adjust numeric values e.g: increase returned price
- Fix: SoundCloud module updated to work again after new changes
- Fix: Facebook pinned post now get skipped
- Fix: Facebook events now return the date
- Fix: Facebook option to skip shared posts now works
- Fix: Amazon books now get imported with more details
- Improved: new user nick name from display name when creating a user
Fix: Settings page checkboxes now get saved
Fix: Single page scraper can now remove by ID/Class without issues
Fix: Youtube [vid_date] tag now returns the date considering the site timezone
Fix: WPML tag now get added to the correct language tags
Fix: Instagram now displays an error if the session is expired
Improved: Youtube tags as WordPress tags now uses the official API
- NEW: Instagram option to remove hashtags from post content
- Fix: Multi-page scraper now corrects relative links when custom base url is set
- Fix: Amazon asked for captcha fix
Fix: SoundCloud back to work after new changes
Fix: Caching images back to work
Fix: Caching images back to work
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