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WordPress Automatic Plugin

WP WordPress Automatic Plugin 3.108.1 Nulled

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Auto post content from Feeds. plugin can check your specified feeds regularly & post every new feed item as a new post.

Fetch full content from summary feeds. Wordpress automatic can convert truncated feeds to full content posts with a big success ratio .

Extract specific parts of original feeds posts. Wordpress automatic can extract two specified parts of the original post by CSS id/class, XPath or REGEX and concat them to post to your wordpress.

Search and replace. The plugin can search extracted content for any text/area and replace with specified text.

Original time posts. Wordpress automatic can set the post created at wordpress to the same time the post was created at the feed.

Extract Categories. The plugin can set the created post categories to the same categories for the original posts.

Extract original tags. Wordpress automatic can extract tags from the original post using CSS id/class and set as tags at the created post.

Extract original author. Wordpress automatic can extract author name from the original post and assign as at the created post as the author if exists or will create it, if not exists.

Skip posts with no content. The plugin can verify the extracted content and skip posts if it has not content.

Skip non-English posts. Wordpress automatic has the option to set the post status as pending,if it suspects that it is not written in English.

Skip posts without images . The plugin have the option to check the extracted content and skip if it does not contain images.

Post oldest items first. Wordpress automatic has the option to post older items first, By default it posts newest items first.

Decode html entities. Wordpress automatic has the option to decode html entities of the extracted content/title.

Convert encoding before posting. The plugin has the option to convert extracted content encoding from any specific encoding to utf-8 to be compatible with wordpress.

Duplicate title skip. The plugin can verify that there is no previous posted post with the same title.

Featured image from Facebook og:image tag. The plugin can extract the image used for facebook as a thumbnail to set as a featured image .


Auto post amazon products to wordpress. Wordpress automatic can search Amazon for products matching your keywords, post them and add your affiliate links automatically so you can make commissions from products sold via your referrals.

Browse Nodes support. You can post from amazon browse node which is a sub-category. just visit and get the desired node id. Once you have the node id,Add your specified node and the plugin will limit posting to items from this node only

Price range filter.You can set a price range where the plugin will get items with price between the minimum and maximum prices values.

Search order support.You can set the sorting value of items returned. For example ordering items by salesrank, price, etc.

Search Criteria support.You can set a search criteria to filter the returned results. For example posting movies featuring a specific Actor or post electronics from a specific manufacturer like Apple.

Add to chart purchase link.Links back to amazon can be either to product page or add to chart confirmation directly.

Woo-Commerce support. Amazon items can be added as woo-commerce products and function just like any product added to your wordpress woo-commerce products.

- Supported Amazon sites are: or , , ,,,,,,, and


Auto post Clickbank products to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can search for products matching your specified keywords, post to your blog and add your affiliate links automatically.

Auto post Youtube videos to wordpress. wordpress automatic can search for videos matching your keywords and post them to your wordpress blog
* (all languages now supported)
Specific channel support. you can post from any youtube channel by keyword or without filtering.

Specific playlist support. wordpress automatic can post from any specific playlist.

Full video description support. wordpress automatic can grab the full description from youtube for the posted video.

Post Youtube Tags as Tags. wordpress automatic can fetch the tags for the video and set these tags as wordpress tags.

Post Youtube Comments as Comments. The plugin can grab the video comments and post them as wordpress comments.

Relivance to specific language and country. Videos relivance can be set to a specific language and also to a specific country.

Auto play videos. posted videos can be auto-played.

Various Filters. Lot’s of filters like order,category,license,type,duration and definition.

Disable suggestions. wordpress automatic can disable video suggestions at the end of the video.

Skip non-embeddable videos. wordpress automatic can skip videos that are not allowed to be embeded.

Date control. wordpress automatic can skip videos older than a specific date, post videos with it’s original date or post older items firstly.


Auto post Vimeo videos to wordpress. wordpress automatic can search vimeo.comfor videos matching your keywords and post them to your wordpress blog. You can also post from a specific user/channel.
Auto post videos from specific youtube channel/user to wordpress . you can automatically add channel videos to wordpress. you have the option to add videos from a specific user/channel by searching for specific keywords or without filtering.


Auto post eBay auctions to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can post auctions for keywords you specify. you can also post from a specific eBay seller by searching his items for specified keywords or even without filtering.

- Supported ebay sites: US, IE, AT, AU, BE, CA, FR, IT, DE, ES, CH , UK , NL


Auto post Flickr images to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can post images for keywords you specify. it also can post from a specific flickr user by searching this user items for specified keywords or without filtering.

Auto post from Facebook to WordPress. WordPress Automatic Plugin can post from Facebook pages, Facebook open groups, closed groups or personal profiles and each new post from FB will be added as a post to WordPress automatically. where it can post full sized images shared on the page, videos and links.
NEW: it can now post from facebook personal profiles


Auto post from Twitter to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can post Twittertweets to wordpress automatically. Where it can post by search, hastag or specific user and tweets can be posted as plain text or as a twitter card.


Auto post from SoundCloud to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can post SoundCloud songs to wordpress automatically. Where it can post by keyword, user or playlist.


Auto post from Pinterest to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can auto post pinterest pins to wordpress automatically for specified keywords or from a specific user/board.

Auto post from Instagram to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can auto post Instagram to wordpress automatically for specified tags or from a specific user.

Auto post from Craigslist to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can import Craigslist to wordpress automatically for any category,search or seller.

Auto post from Itunes to WordPress. WordPress automatic plugin can import Itunes items to WordPress automatically by keyword or artist so it can post apps, songs, movies, ebooks, podcasts and more from Itunes. It works as a WordPress iTunes affiliates plugin as it automatically set your affiliate link on the fly.


Auto post from Envato to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can import form Envato markets like ThemeFores, CodeCanyon, VideoHive, AudioJungle,GraphicRiverand 3dOcean items to wordpress automatically by keyword , author, tag or category so it can post themes,plugins,html files,psd, audio and more . It works as an wordpress envato affiliates plugin as it automatically set your affiliate link on the fly.


Auto post from DailyMotion to wordpress. Wordpress Automatic Plugin can import form DailyMotion by keyword, user or playlist with various options like importing the tags, auto play videos and more.


Auto post from Reddit to wordpress. Wordpress Automatic Plugin can import post Reddits to Wordpress with the option to filter Reddits by type and also import comments.


Auto post from Walmart to wordpress. Wordpress Automatic Plugin can import Walmart products to Wordpress with complete support to Woo-Commerce so posted items can get posted as woo products.

Automatic ads insertion. you can specify two ads slots to be inserted automatically to the posts.

Campaign based. you can setup unlimited number of campaigns with different keywords & different post options and these campaigns will work together to post to your site.

Post to specific category. you can set what category to add the new posts to one category per campaign.

Post using a specific author. you can choose the new post author one author per campaign.

Post keywords as tags. plugin can post keywords as wordpress tags.

Custom post types support . plugin can post to your custom post type like woo-commerce product.

Auto hyperlink keywords . plugin can automatically hyperlink specified keywords with your affiliate link or any specified link.

Automatically set wordpress featured image. plugin can auto set post featured image from the first image in the post content.

Cache images to your server. plugin can cache images to the server and change their links to your site link.

Choose must exist words and phrases. you can specify words that must be in the wordpress post content.

Execlude words and phrases. you can set words and phrases that must not be in the wordpress post content.

Translate the content before posting . you can set the plugin to automatically translate the content before posting using Google translate. You can set it to translate it twice.

Automatically add custom fields to new posts . you can set the plugin to add custom fields to the posted posts automatically these fields can contain any info from the post added like title, author , content, image, price, rating .. etc. Allowed tags are listed automatically to choose from and differ for each campaign type.

Auto search and replace support. The plugin can search the content before posting for your specified words and replace them.

keyword suggestion. Writing the first letters of the keyword lists all keywords starting with this letter to choose from.

Support for automatic content spin using the best spinner. the best spinner ( takes the article and replace synonyms using it?s synonyms database to create 100% unique article.

Support posts templates. the content of the post can be formed in different formats by using tags like [post_content] , [post_title],[product_price].. etc. supported tags differ for each campaign and listed atutomatically to choose from.

set & forget cron job. to post every specific interval you specify for each campaign in the form of (days/hours/minutes).

Internal cron job. wordpress automatic supports posting automatically based on the internal wordpress cron job.

Two post status. you can set new post status to draft or published.

Unlimited keywords. you can add unlimited keywords per campaign. when the campaign start being processed these keywords will be used one by one to get the content so if the first keyword is exhaused or no more having matches the second one will be used.

Automatic keyword hyper-linking. automatic hyper-link matched keyword with specified link

Spintax enabled. like {awesome|nice|helpful}. you can use this form in the post content and only one word will be chosen in the final article randomly.

Automatic link stripping. option to strip all links from the original content before posting.

Wordpress multi-site network support. plugin can be installed in multi-site wordpress installation and function properly in each zombie blog.

proxy support.web proxies can be used by the plugin on the form ip:port

TrueMag/NewsTube/VideoPro theme on the fly integration. If you are posting videos from Youtube/Vimeo/Instagram and you are using one of these great video themes named TrueMag,VideoPro,NewsTube, then the plugin knows if you are using this theme and will automatically add needed configuration to layout the video with the theme.

Demo :
1.1 MB
First release
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  3. Version 3.104.0 (8 October 2024)

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