Word Count Search

xF2 Add-on Word Count Search 2.12.1

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  • MySQL full-text search search fixes, requires re-indexing the site
    • Fix for word-count range searches with a min/max value require Search Improvements v2.14.7+
    • Fix word-count wasn't pushed into the search index
  • Require StandardLib v1.20.0+
  • XF2.3 support
  • php 8.4+ compatibility fixes
  • Recommend adding pcre.jit=1 to php.ini
  • If Threadmarks is installed, require at least v2.19.0+
  • Support Threadmarks v2.19.0+
  • Fix upgrade and uninstall code paths had an unexpected dependency on Threadmarks addon being installed
This addon is now available on https://atelieraphelion.com
  • Require Standard Lib v1.18.0+
  • Fix possible internal server error when a parsing search query
  • Adjust styling of lower/upper bound search fields in Advanced Search dialog to match upcoming Search Improvements update
  • Adjust search result term 'word count' to use short-number form
  • Fix upper/lower bound result search term text was swapped
  • Require php 7.2+
  • Require Search Improvements v2.6.0+
  • Support Search Improvements v2.7.0+ search term display
    • Fix v2.8.0 regression which caused thread's total word count not to be updated in the search index
      Will require rebuilind the search index for the 'thread' content type
  • Require XenForo 2.2+
  • Require XenForo Enhance Search 2.2+ (if used)
  • Remove old XF2.0 method for extending search order as it is now easier to extend in XenForo Enhanced Search 2.2+
  • Minor code update to better support Threadmarks not triggering additional queries
  • Adjust how first post word-count is computed during search-indexing
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