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WooCommercRefund And Exchange with RMA

WP WooCommercRefund And Exchange with RMA 3.2.4 Nulled

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This extension is an all in one solution for all your refund process and replaces a default process which doesn’t provide any option to better communicate with the customer and handle refund requests.

Features of the WooCommerce Refund and Exchange With RMA Plugin

So let’s examine each feature of the “WooCommerce Refund and Exchange With RMA” plugin in further detail—

  1. SMS Notification For Customers And MerchantsThe refund and exchange, plugin gives you the ability to send sms notifications using the Twilio integration, With this feature, both merchants and customers will receive SMS notifications for refunds, exchanges, and order updates. This keeps everyone informed in real-time, ensuring that customers feel valued and merchants stay updated on every transaction.
  2. Refund Shipping Charge With the WooCommerce refund plugin, customers can get a refund for the shipping charges as well. If the admin can utilize this feature to win their customer’s trust in their WooCommerce store. But it is also important to note that this feature does not work with partial refunds, shipping charges are not refunded in those cases.

    Note: This only works for WooCommerce.
  3. RefundThe merchants can make the settings to allow customers to submit a refund request. Once the refund request is accepted then the merchants can proceed the refund procedure using this plugin. The buyers can send multiple refund requests within the allowed days even if any request is already processed. It means the user can send a refund request for an ordered product multiple times even if any of the previous refund request is processed.
  4. ExchangeA new order is created for the exchanged product after the consumer submits an exchange request for one or more items. The best part is that you may include attachment functionality in your exchange request. The WooCommerce default payment method is used to pay the additional amount if the exchange amount is more than the new product amount.

    The user can send multiple exchange requests up to the available days and if any request is already processed. It means the user can send an exchange request for an ordered product multiple times, even if any of the previous return request is processed.

    For refunds, exchanges, and cancellations, you can use the manual way to display the bank details field.
  5. Add Custom Status To Mark Your Progressing Refund and Exchange ProcessRefund or exchange is achieved in multiple steps. The WooCommerce refund and exchange plugin allow merchants to set the custom status for each step. Some common status includes — refund-requested, refund-approved, refund-canceled, exchange-requested, exchange-approved, exchange-canceled, etc.
  6. AvailabilityRefund and exchange feature is available up to a certain number of days when the order is completed. When the order status is completed then the user is able to send a refund and exchange request. If anyone of the requests is in the process then another request can’t be sent. It means both refund and exchange requests for an order are not placed simultaneously for an order.
  7. Tax HandlingThe merchant can include the tax in the refund amount. If the include tax setting is enabled then the user can refund or exchange products with tax included product price. If a merchant disables “include tax” setting then tax price is not calculated in a refund as well as exchange.Include tax setting is separate for both refund and exchange process for WooCommerce RMA.
  8. Auto Accept Refund Request
  9. If a merchant wants to auto accept the refund request then can enable it from the setting option in the plugin. With auto accept, when the user requests for any product refund, the request is automatically approved and the merchant gets a notification email regarding that refund request, to proceed the refund payment process.

  10. Refund/Exchange for Guest User
  11. Return and exchange requests can be submitted by both; guests as well as registered users. There is a page created with name Refund/Exchange Request on extension activation, where the guest user enters their order id and email address and proceeds with refund/exchange request.
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  1. 15-10-2024 - Ver 3.2.4

    New: Compatibility with the latest WP [6.6.2] and WC [9.3.3] Fix: Fixed 'Choose product' error...

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