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WoltLab Suite Forum

Script WoltLab Suite Forum 5.5.10 Nulled

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Stability releases (third part of the version number, also known as “patch releases”) aim to solve existing problems in the current version. Like every stability release, they do not introduce new features. It is strongly recommended to apply these updates.

Security Notice​

Some forms for editing content only took into account whether the accessing user could edit the content, but not whether the content was also accessible to the accessing user. This resulted in moderators or administrators being able to edit content by cleverly manipulating the accessed URL, but they were not able to access it regularly.

The impact of this incorrect permission check was limited to moderators and administrators who had permissions to edit third-party content. Only a few selected forms were affected by this bug. All affected forms are explicitly named in the list of changes without exception.

All installations of WoltLab Cloud customers have already been updated.

How to Apply Updates​

Open your Administration Control Panel and navigate to “Configuration → Packages → List Packages”. Please click on the button “Search for Updates” located in the right corner above the package list.

Notable Changes​

The list below includes only significant changes, minor fixes or typos are generally left out.

WoltLab Suite Blog​

  • (SECURITY) Authorized moderators and administrators could edit blogs and blog entries that were not accessible by them. 5.5 5.4 5.3
  • Deleting a category now also deletes subscriptions from the database. 5.5

WoltLab Suite Calendar​

  • (SECURITY) Authorized moderators and administrators could edit appointments which were not accessible by them. 5.5 5.4 5.3
  • Recognition for overlapping appointments is now done correctly for all-day appointments. 5.5
  • Inviting users to an appointment no longer causes the time of their own participation decision to be changed. 5.5
  • When removing participants, the entire list of participants was sometimes mistakenly hidden. 5.5

WoltLab Suite Filebase​

  • (SECURITY) Authorized moderators and administrators could edit files that were not accessible by them. 5.5 5.4 5.3
  • Notification about a deleted file no longer causes an error in the RSS feed of notifications. 5.5
  • Deleting a category now also deletes subscriptions from the database. 5.5

WoltLab Suite Forum​

  • (SECURITY) Authorized moderators and administrators could edit posts and threads that were not accessible by them. 5.5 5.4 5.3
  • Editing an “announcement” by a moderator without the permission to create announcements no longer clears the announcement’s forum association. 5.5
  • The creation time of the thread is now correctly adjusted when a disabled “to immediately” thread is active with “update time”. 5.5

WoltLab Suite Gallery​

  • Deleting a category now also deletes the subscriptions from the database. 5.5
  • When delivering images, an error in the HTTP headers was corrected, which could lead to caching of incorrect data in rare cases when changing the image or thumbnail. 5.5
  • Deleting images via moderation no longer results in an error message and the reason for deletion is now stored correctly. The original change was made in WoltLab Suite 5.5.5 to properly move images to the recycle bin when deleting them via moderation instead of deleting them completely. 5.5
  • Deleting an already deleted image via moderation no longer marks the moderation entry with an error message. Instead, the entry is silently marked as done, and the deletion reason for the image remains on the original reason. 5.5

WoltLab Suite Core: Elasticsearch​

  • Fixed processing of search terms that are completely enclosed in quotes. 5.5

WoltLab Suite Core: Exporter​

  • Burning Board 3
    • An error in processing certain values from the database was fixed. 5.5

WoltLab Suite Core​

  • (SECURITY) Authorized moderators and administrators could edit articles that were not accessible by them. 5.5 5.4 5.3
  • Users who are allowed to submit articles (but not publish them) can now edit their own articles until they are published. 5.5
  • Editing a user rank failed if the deposited graphic did not exist anymore. 5.5
  • Outgoing rich embed requests now set accept-language header with the default community language. 5.5
  • Checking the maximum length of the “About me” text now works correctly. 5.5
  • When creating polls the answers were sometimes encoded twice. 5.5
  • Deleting an article category now also deletes subscriptions from the database. 5.5
  • Deleting the last category of an article now also deletes the article. 5.5
  • A bug with clipboard processing in the media system was fixed. 5.5
  • Images taken on edge were not scaled correctly when pasted into messages. 5.5
  • External links in the main menu, if the setting to open external links in a new tab is active, now open properly in a new tab. 5.5
  • A compatibility problem when running under PHP 8.1 was fixed. 5.5
  • For developers: Single quotes in strings on the error page are escaped correctly again. 5.5
Installation instructions WoltLab Suite™

Table of contents:

I. System requirements
II. Installation preparations
III. Installation procedure
IV. Update from Burning Board 4.x and older
V. Data transfer from external systems

------------------------------ ----------------------------------

I. System requirements

The following requirements must be met for the installation of WoltLab Suite™:

* PHP-enabled web server (Apache, nginx, lighttpd, Microsoft IIS, etc.)
* PHP 7.2.24+ (PHP 7.4.21+ recommended)
* PHP extensions: ctype, dom, exif, json, hash, libxml, mbstring , pcre, pdo, pdo_mysql, zlib
* PHP extension for image processing GD or ImageMagick (each with WebP support)
* RAM limit ("memory_limit") at least 128MB
* MySQL 5.7.31+ or MariaDB 10.1.44+ with InnoDB support
* approx. 20MB hard disk space for the Basic installation
* An FTP program to load the program files onto the web server/web space

--------------------------------- -------------------------------

II. Installation

preparations 1. Unpack the zip archive onto your hard drive. You will receive the following files:
* upload/test.php
* upload/install.php
* upload/WCFSetup.tar.gz
* License agreement.txt
* Read me.txt
* License agreement.txt
* Read me.txt

Note: The WCFSetup.tar.gz in the upload directory must not be unpacked under any circumstances!

2. Connect to your web server/web space with your FTP program and upload all files from the upload directory to the directory via which WoltLab Suite should later be accessible. You can find out the access data for the FTP in the customer area of your web host.

3. To make sure that the server/webspace meets all the requirements, please call test.php in your web browser next. For example: (replace: with your own domain name or add any subdirectories If your web space does not meet all the requirements, please contact your web host to clarify whether you can switch to a more powerful package. If you have a dedicated server, please install the missing components yourself.

4. Please have your MySQL access data ready for the rest of the installation. You can find out about this in the customer area of your web host.

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III. Installation process

Please note that the installation script progresses faster in some areas than others and do not abort the process prematurely! Please do not press the F5 key during the installation or otherwise refresh the browser window.

1. If you have previously successfully checked the requirements with test.php, then you can now click "You can start the installation." Continue. Alternatively, please call install.php directly in your web browser ( ). Now follow the instructions of the installation assistant. Please have your MySQL access data ready for the installation.

2. Please follow the instructions of the installation assistant. The installation wizard also checks the web space for mandatory system requirements. If something is not displayed in green here, please contact your web host to find out whether this can still be changed or whether you need a different web host. Installation cannot continue until all conditions are met. Next you will be asked for the installation directory for the CMS and your selected product (app). By default, the main directory in which install.php is located is suggested for the CMS. All other apps are installed in the appropriate subfolders (For the forum, the suggested folder is forum).

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IV. Updating from Burning Board 4.x and older

A direct update from Burning Board 4.x and older is not possible. You have to reinstall WoltLab Suite in a separate directory and then use the Burning Board Importer to import the data from your old forum.

Note: If you want to make WoltLab Suite accessible from the same URL as your current forum, please copy your old forum to a subdirectory and install WoltLab Suite directly to the correct directory.

For the import of file attachments, avatars and smileys, it is imperative that both forum systems are on the same web space account. If the subdomains are different, the security setting open_basedir denies access to the other subdomain, depending on the server configuration. Thus, the import of file attachments, avatars and smileys is not possible.

1. Install WoltLab Suite and select Importer as an optional package during installation. If WoltLab Suite is already installed without an importer, you can install the package via the package server at any time. After successful installation, go to Administration -> Management -> Maintenance on data import and select the importer for your old forum system.

2. Follow the importer's instructions. Please also remember that the import can take a long time depending on the number of forums, posts and file attachments in your old forum system, but also due to other circumstances. Do not cancel the import prematurely.

Note: After a successful import, you must have the displays updated under Administration -> Management -> Maintenance.

-------------------------------------------------- --------------

V. Data import from external systems (vBulletin, phpBB ...)

The products mentioned above support data import from a large number of external systems. The following systems are currently supported.

* Burning Board 2.3.x, 3.x, 4.x
* Burning Board Lite 2.1.x
* IP.Board 3.4.x, 4.x
* Kunena 3.0.x
* MyBB 1.8.x
* NodeBB 0.x (Redis)
* phpBB 3.x
* Simple Machines Forum 2.x
* vBulletin 3.8.x - 4.2.x , 5.x
* WoltLab Suite Forum 5.x
* WordPress 3.7+
* XenForo 1.2.x - 1.4.x, 2.x
* Xobor

Note: If you want to make WoltLab Suite accessible via the same URL as your current system, then copy Please put your old system into a subdirectory and install the above products directly into the correct directory.

For the import of file attachments, avatars and smileys it is imperative that both systems are on the same web space account. If the subdomains are different, the security setting open_basedir denies access to the other subdomain, depending on the server configuration. The path must be the absolute server path. It is not possible to specify a URL.

1. Install WoltLab Suite and select Importer as an optional package during installation. If WoltLab Suite is already installed without an importer, you can install the package via the package server at any time. After successful installation, go to Administration -> Management -> Maintenance on data import and select the importer for your old forum system.

2. Follow the importer's instructions. Please also remember that the import can take a long time depending on the number of forums, posts and file attachments in your old forum system, but also due to other circumstances. Do not cancel the import prematurely.

Note: After a successful data import, you must have the displays updated under Administration -> Management -> Maintenance.

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We hope you enjoy your new system!
Your WoltLab team!

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Copyright (c) by WoltLab® GmbH, all rights reserved.

WoltLab® and Burning Board® are registered Community Trade Marks at The Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market (OHIM) in Alicante, Spain.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package name="com.woltlab.wbb" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <packagename>WoltLab Suite Forum</packagename>
        <packagedescription>The 5th generation of our tried and tested forum software perfectly combines user-generated content and lively communities. Awarded as the best forum software for consecutive years, Burning Board® leads your community to success.</packagedescription>
        <packagedescription language="de">Die 5. Generation der bewährten Forensoftware bietet eine ausgewogene Mischung von Inhalten und einer nutzer-basierten Community. Nutzen Sie die mehrfach als „Beste Forensoftware“ ausgezeichnete Lösung, um Ihrer Community zum Erfolg zu verhelfen!</packagedescription>
        <author>WoltLab GmbH</author>
        <requiredpackage minversion="5.4.9" file="requirements/com.woltlab.wcf.tar">com.woltlab.wcf</requiredpackage>
        <requiredpackage minversion="5.4.8" file="requirements/com.woltlab.wcf.conversation.tar">com.woltlab.wcf.conversation</requiredpackage>
        <requiredpackage minversion="5.4.0" file="requirements/com.woltlab.wcf.infraction.tar">com.woltlab.wcf.infraction</requiredpackage>
        <optionalpackage file="optionals/com.woltlab.wcf.moderatedUserGroup.tar">com.woltlab.wcf.moderatedUserGroup</optionalpackage>
        <optionalpackage file="optionals/com.woltlab.wcf.legalNotice.tar">com.woltlab.wcf.legalNotice</optionalpackage>
        <optionalpackage file="optionals/com.woltlab.wcf.exporter.tar">com.woltlab.wcf.exporter</optionalpackage>
        <excludedpackage version="5.5.0 Alpha 1">com.woltlab.wcf</excludedpackage>
    <instructions type="install">
        <instruction type="acpTemplate" />
        <instruction type="file" />
        <instruction type="file" application="wcf">files_wcf.tar</instruction>
        <instruction type="template" />
        <instruction type="sql" run="standalone" />
        <instruction type="templateListener" />
        <instruction type="objectTypeDefinition" />
        <instruction type="objectType" />
        <instruction type="option" />
        <instruction type="userGroupOption" />
        <instruction type="language" />
        <instruction type="eventListener" />
        <instruction type="aclOption" />
        <instruction type="acpMenu" />
        <instruction type="clipboardAction" />
        <instruction type="userOption" />
        <instruction type="userNotificationEvent" />
        <instruction type="bbcode" />
        <instruction type="cronjob" />
        <instruction type="page" />
        <instruction type="menuItem" />
        <instruction type="box" />
        <instruction type="script">acp/install_com.woltlab.wbb.php</instruction>

    <instructions type="update" fromversion="5.4.8">
        <instruction type="file">files_update.tar</instruction>
        <instruction type="template">templates_update.tar</instruction>
    <instructions type="update" fromversion="5.4.9 dev 1">
Stability releases (also known as "minor releases") aim to solve existing problems in the current version. Like every stability release, they do not introduce new features; It is strongly recommended to apply these updates.

How to Apply Updates​

Open your Administration Control Panel and navigate to Configuration > Packages > List Packages. Please click on the button Search for Updates located in the right corner above the package list.

Notable Changes​

The list below includes only significant changes, minor fixes or typos are generally left out.

WoltLab Suite Blog​

  • The import of blogs now supports cover photos. 5.4

WoltLab Suite Calendar​

  • (Non-functional changes for technical reasons only.) 5.4

WoltLab Suite Calendar: Event Threads​

  • (Non-functional changes for technical reasons only.) 5.4

WoltLab Suite Filebase​

  • Embedded objects in descriptions of file versions had not been loaded. 5.4

WoltLab Suite Forum​

  • The mobile view of the thread list could display incorrect cached values for the thread starter. 5.4

WoltLab Suite Gallery​

  • (Non-functional changes for technical reasons only.) 5.4

WoltLab Suite Core: Conversations​

  • User signatures were not displayed below messages. 5.4
  • Resolved an issue that caused an error when viewing the list of attachments. 5.4

WoltLab Suite Core: Importer​

  • Invision Community 4.x
    • Added support for the import of the blog and gallery. 5.4
    • Incorrect handling of URL placeholders in messages. 5.4

WoltLab Suite Core​

  • Resolved an issue that caused an incorrect report that the session was expired on form submit. 5.4
  • Resolved an issue that caused the setup to fail when using an unencrypted http connection. 5.4
  • Improved the message when encountering an invalid XSRF protection token. 5.4
  • Resolved a compatibility issue when running under PHP 8.1. 5.4
  • Fixed a visual artifact when the main menu starts overflowing. 5.4
  • Resolved an issue when using the ancient mysql extension instead of mysqlnd (MySQL Native Driver). 5.4
  • Form Builder: Resetting a form did not clear the values for ACL permissions. 5.4
  • Dev Tools: The standalone flag for instructions was not applied correctly. 5.4
The cooperation between the various apps under the umbrella of the WoltLab Community Framework (WCF) is one of the central qualities and we would like to make this connection clear in the naming. For this reason, our apps will in future be named according to the scheme "WoltLab Suite <Product>" and, if necessary, slightly adapted, so the name of WoltLab Community Framework will simply be "WoltLab Suite Core" in the future. Regardless of the name change, all products will remain available separately in the future; there is no compulsion to purchase several or all of the WoltLab Suite products.

Another obvious change is the version number, this has been raised to version 5.4 and is representative of the great progress we have made. At the same time, the new version number also makes a significant change to the WoltLab Suite Core clear:

So far it was necessary to install at least one app so that there was a page that could be accessed by visitors and users, because WCF itself only provided the technology and the administration interface. From version 5.4, WoltLab Suite Core will have an optional, independent surface and is no longer dependent on apps to provide certain content. With the help of the integrated content management system (CMS) and the article system, it is finally possible to create and maintain the entire website on the basis of our suite - as usual, user-friendly and efficient via a single administration interface.

In the following section we would like to go into more detail on the individual components of WoltLab Suite Core, but first a brief note on the CMS: The use is completely optional and you can freely decide whether you want to use it for your side, you will not suffer any disadvantages if you do without it .

Version 5.4 brings a whole range of technical innovations as well as improvements to the templates and styles. We will provide instructions and information on migration for customers and developers in good time; these will be published as soon as the development of the individual components has progressed sufficiently.

Content Management System (CMS)

The CMS consists of five components, the interaction of which enables the creation and maintenance of an entire website. We will examine each of these components in detail at a later point in time in separate topics, including meaningful screenshots to illustrate how they work. In the following we would like to roughly outline the individual functionalities in order to provide an overview of the innovations.


Over the years, the desire to create and maintain your own pages has been expressed repeatedly, now the time has come to put this wish into practice. It is possible to create static as well as dynamic pages, at the same time the pages are seamlessly integrated into the entire website and cannot be distinguished from "regular" pages for visitors. WoltLab Suite Core 5.4 covers all possible requirements, starting with language-dependent versions including separate links, up to the optional support of template scripting.


The dashboard boxes already known from previous versions have been completely revised and their previous restrictions have been removed. The new boxes offer significantly more flexibility, so they can be freely integrated on any page on the basis of placeholders and also have many additional configuration options for individual adaptation. Boxes can be filled with your own text, including optional template scripting, or created on the basis of existing PHP classes. The PHP classes in particular open up many new possibilities for customization, such as creating your own box that displays the last five topics from a specific forum, for example.

The possibilities this opens up become clear on the already familiar dashboard: Instead of using its own PHP class as before, it is now a simple CMS page that only displays boxes instead of text content. Thanks to the box system, this page - like many other pages - can be completely customized, for example by adding your own content or using a second sidebar to create a 3-column layout.


Content is undoubtedly the most important aspect of a page, but it is only accessible to visitors through good menu navigation. WoltLab Suite Core 5.4 provides all the necessary tools to design the menu according to your own ideas and requirements: All pages can be freely stored in the menus already provided in the top and bottom of the page.

The linking of subpages, for example a certain forum, is very easy and can be implemented in no time. However, it is not just a simple link, because the links set in this way are correctly recognized when called and marked as active. In addition, individual pages also offer the already known number of unread entries; in the case of linked forums, the number of unread topics in this forum is displayed in addition to the title.

In addition, your own menus can be created and inserted freely on the pages in conjunction with the above-mentioned box system; the active marking and the display of unread entries also come into play here.


With file attachments, there is already a good and well-engineered way of attaching images or documents, but attachments are always linked to individual content, for example a post, and can therefore only be reused to a limited extent. With WoltLab Suite Core 5.4 there is a separate media management for administrators with the help of which images, documents and other files can be uploaded directly and used within the entire site. It does not matter whether you want to use it in a CMS page or a forum post, uploaded media are available to administrators anytime and anywhere.

In addition, media can be assigned to individual languages and provided with separate captions. This is helpful for finding media that have already been uploaded and, on pages with multilingual content, serves as a simple orientation for selecting the correct language version. Unlike file attachments, media can be uploaded, used, edited and deleted by all administrators.


The possibility of creating your own pages already covers a large number of requirements, but there are cases in which a different approach is necessary. Typical use cases are news, a knowledge base or simply an editorially maintained blog. For precisely this purpose, an article system was integrated that is functionally oriented towards the CMS pages, but also offers important components such as comments, categories or tags. In addition, special views can optionally be used, which clearly display articles from a certain category with the help of teasers and images and of course can also be linked directly in menus.

The components listed above will be examined in detail by us at a later date in separate topics, including meaningful screenshots of how they work.
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The cooperation between the various apps under the umbrella of the WoltLab Community Framework (WCF) is one of the central qualities and we would like to make this connection clear in the naming. For this reason, our apps will in future be named according to the scheme "WoltLab Suite <Product>" and, if necessary, slightly adapted, so the name of WoltLab Community Framework will simply be "WoltLab Suite Core" in the future. Regardless of the name change, all products will remain available separately in the future, there is no obligation to purchase several or all products of the WoltLab Suite.

Another obvious change is the version number, this has been raised to version 5.4 and is representative of the great progress we have made. At the same time, the new version number also makes a significant change to the WoltLab Suite Core clear:

So far it was necessary to install at least one app so that there was a page that could be accessed by visitors and users, because WCF itself only provided the technology and the administration interface. From version 5.4, WoltLab Suite Core will have an optional, independent surface and is no longer dependent on apps to provide certain content. With the help of the integrated content management system (CMS) and the article system, it is finally possible to create and maintain the entire website on the basis of our suite - as usual, user-friendly and efficient via a single administration interface.

In the following section we would like to go into more detail on the individual components of WoltLab Suite Core, but first a brief note on the CMS: The use is completely optional and you can freely decide whether you want to use it for your side, you will not suffer any disadvantages if you do not .

Version 5.4 brings a whole range of technical innovations as well as improvements to the templates and styles. We will provide instructions and information on migration for customers and developers in good time; these will be published as soon as the development of the individual components has progressed sufficiently.

Content Management System (CMS)

The CMS consists of five components, the interaction of which enables the creation and maintenance of an entire website. We will examine each of these components in detail at a later point in time in separate topics, including meaningful screenshots to illustrate how they work. In the following we would like to roughly outline the individual functionalities in order to provide an overview of the innovations.


Over the years, the desire to create and maintain your own pages has been expressed repeatedly, and now the time has come to put this desire into practice. It is possible to create both static and dynamic pages; at the same time, the pages are seamlessly integrated into the entire website and cannot be distinguished from "regular" pages for visitors. WoltLab Suite Core 5.4 covers all possible requirements, starting with language-dependent versions including separate links, up to the optional support of template scripting.


The dashboard boxes already known from previous versions have been completely revised and their previous restrictions have been removed. The new boxes offer significantly more flexibility, so they can be freely integrated on any page on the basis of placeholders and also have many additional configuration options for individual adaptation. Boxes can be filled with your own text, including optional template scripting, or created on the basis of existing PHP classes. The PHP classes in particular open up many new possibilities for customization, such as creating your own box that displays the last five topics from a specific forum, for example.

The possibilities that arise with this become clear on the already familiar dashboard: Instead of using a separate PHP class as before, it is now a simple CMS page that only displays boxes instead of text content. Thanks to the box system, this page - like many other pages - can be completely customized, for example by adding your own content or using a second sidebar to create a 3-column layout.


Content is undoubtedly the most important aspect of a page, but it is only accessible to visitors through good menu navigation. WoltLab Suite Core 5.4 provides all the necessary tools to design the menu according to your own ideas and requirements: All pages can be freely stored in the menus already provided in the top and bottom of the page.

The linking of sub-pages, for example a certain forum, is very easy and can be implemented in no time at all. However, it is not just a simple link, because the links set in this way are correctly recognized when called and marked as active. In addition, individual pages also offer the already known number of unread entries; in the case of linked forums, the number of unread topics in this forum is displayed in addition to the title.

In addition, your own menus can be created and inserted freely on the pages in conjunction with the above-mentioned box system; the active marking and the display of unread entries also come into play here.


With file attachments, there is already a good and well-engineered way of attaching images or documents, but attachments are always linked to individual content, for example a post, and can therefore only be reused to a limited extent. With WoltLab Suite Core 5.4 there is a separate media management for administrators with the help of which images, documents and other files can be uploaded directly and used within the entire site. It does not matter whether you want to use it in a CMS page or a forum post, uploaded media are available to administrators anytime and anywhere.

In addition, media can be assigned to individual languages and provided with separate captions. This is helpful for finding media that have already been uploaded and, on pages with multilingual content, serves as a simple orientation for selecting the correct language version. Unlike file attachments, media can be uploaded, used, edited and deleted by all administrators.


The possibility of creating your own pages already covers a large number of requirements, but there are cases in which a different approach is necessary. Typical use cases are news, a knowledge base or simply an editorially maintained blog. For precisely this purpose, an article system was integrated that is functionally oriented towards the CMS pages, but also offers important components such as comments, categories or tags. In addition, special views can optionally be used, which clearly display articles from a certain category with the help of teasers and images and, of course, can also be linked directly in menus.

The components listed above will be examined in detail by us at a later date in separate topics, including meaningful screenshots of how they work.
We're pleased to announce the release of the WoltLab Suite 5.3, consisting of the powerful Core package and our 5 modular apps that enrich your site and community.

This version puts great emphasis on consistency and backwards-compatibility, evolving existing features to match the on-going development in expectations and adding more features that tightly integrate into existing sites. We've spend quite a lot of time evaluating every single feature in our software suite, eventually making a lot of small and large changes to both improve your users' experience and to make it easier for you to manage your community. We truly believe that a community is a living thing that is constantly evolving and so should the software, the very foundation of your community.

We were really amazed by the large amount of people that have actively participated in the beta test and supported us with their observations and suggestions, enabling us to build a truly amazing software for your community. Thank you!

For users running WoltLab Suite 5.2, please follow the instructions in our manual on running the upgrade through the admin panel:

Updates - WoltLab Suite Manual
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WoltLab Suite Forum UPDATE
  • When editing a topic with the setting as Announcement without selected forums, an incorrect error message occurred. 5.0 / 5.1
  • Message checking when editing posts has been improved. 5.0 / 5.1
  • Categories in Atom feeds are now correctly processed during import. 5.0 / 5.1
  • When copying forums, the set icon was not accepted. 5.1
  • The answer box behaved incorrectly in an upside down message order. 5.1
WoltLab Suite Core
  • The number of automatic user group assignments are now limited per pass to avoid timeouts. 3.0 / 3.1
  • Dynamically reloaded messages sometimes could not be edited. 3.0 / 3.1
  • Tags are now sorted independently of uppercase or lowercase. 3.0 / 3.1
  • The third-party login buttons have been adjusted to reflect the vendor's updated preferences. 3.0 / 3.1
  • CMS pages with only one language no longer offer drop-down for language selection. 3.0 / 3.1
  • The value of the column wcfN_user.authData has been added to the DSGVO export. 3.0 / 3.1
  • The processing of links in the editor has been improved. 3.0 / 3.1
  • Due to an error, the minimum date in the date picker could not be in the future. 3.0 / 3.1
  • Some message formatting was not correctly rejected during server-side processing. 3.0 / 3.1
  • Incorrect entries in the contact form caused the selected recipient to be discarded. 3.1
  • The alignment of some scrollable drop-downs was broken. 3.1
  • The removal of a formatting at the cursor position in the editor was erroneous and created a crossed out representation. 3.1
  • CMS pages can now be set correctly as the start page of an app. 3.1

tylekeobooLatest member