Who Replied

xF2 Add-on Who Replied 2.4.0

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This add-on is now available on atelieraphelion.com
  • Require StandardLib v1.20.0+
  • Require php 7.2+
  • Add "Allowed "Users per page" choices" option
    • Lets users select from a admin populated list for number of items per page. Default is 25 & 50
  • Add "Who replied pagination features" option
    • Standard pagination
    • AJAX pagination
    • AJAX pagination with filter bar (default)
  • Require php 7.0+
  • Require XenForo 2.2+
  • Require Standard Library By Xon v1.12.0+
  • Fix behavior in non-overlay mode when navigating between pages without a filter
  • Fix edge-case where the filter query would be executed twice when no changes in the filter was made
  • Fix unexpected file hash failure when latest version of Post Friction is installed.
  • Require XF2.1+
  • Rework Who Replied? filtering.
    • Allow pagination with a filter
    • Fix pagination would cause the dialog to blink away during loading
  • Fix information disclosure by allowing filtering of users who replied to a thread by admin user search criteria.
  • Respect when view count is formatted with 'short' numbers.
  • Minor compatibility tweaks
  • Fix 'prefix' checkbox layout bug with XF2.1
  • This add-on appears to have no compatibility issues with XF2.1
  • Minor code cleanup
  • Update Readme.md to be explicit this add-on automatically adds permissions for per-forum user-groups and global user-groups
  • Minor cleanup
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