CORE-14944 - Ensure consistent formatting of servers table for active and disabled servers
CORE-15250 - Ensure Accept Order button is active when status is set to Pending
CORE-15301 - Correct client replies count on Support Overview
CORE-15334 - Update whois server for .as TLD
CORE-15355 - Ensure CC recipient status is shown on the client ticket page
Also known as: CORE-15527
CORE-15357 - Invoice ID shown in title when view invoice URL without being authenticated
CORE-15432 - Display client search result by ID in Invoice client search dropdown
CORE-15459 - Ensure contact us form reply-to does not contain system email
CORE-15469 - Correct WHOIS entry for .ec TLDs
CORE-15478 - Text is cut off and not displayed in System Information sidebar section
CORE-15485 - Ensure Contact results link to the contact's profile
CORE-15486 - Improve display of labeling for recurring field of client's service page
Also known as: CORE-15510
CORE-15492 - Ensure client profile email can be updated
CORE-15502 - Improve resilience of domain SSL status sync
CORE-15503 - Prevent error on optional paymentmethod for CreateInvoice API
CORE-15504 - Prevent error on client authenticated reply for guest requestor ticket
CORE-15505 - Correct activity log entry for saving client profile
CORE-15506 - Correct displayed count of Security Questions usage
CORE-15511 - Correct displayed currency of total due amount when authenticated and creating a new account in cart
CORE-15513 - Correct relative path for results of the Intelligent Search
Also known as: CORE-15525
CORE-15516 - Improve logging of POP mail connection errors
CORE-15518 - Correct display of price for multiple one-time quantities with apply-once promotional code
CORE-15522 - Correct display of prorata date on invoice
CORE-15524 - Allow User creation relative to new Client when name is optionally excluded
CORE-15530 - Ensure new Client email is unique on new order
CORE-15533 - Improve message and linking in Password Reset activity log entries
CORE-15538 - Correct tax for multiple quantity order
CORE-15540 - Correct registrar TLD sync for of IDN TLDs
CORE-15541 - Correct off by one error on activity log prune
CORE-15544 - Ensure changing currency redirects to currently selected product group
CORE-15549 - Prevent duplicate owner recipients on owner created tickets
CORE-15554 - Ensure existing domains can be used when ordering
CORE-15559 - Improve display of labeling for recurring field of client's domain page
CORE-15560 - Correct contact editing from client area
CORE-15561 - Ensure product related merge fields are visible for Email Campaigns
CORE-15563 - Ensure SiteLock VPN landing page title is correct
CORE-15576 - Ensure config options upgrade updates the recurring amount
CORE-15577 - Correct language string for Email Campaigns
CORE-15578 - Do not display linked accounts when 2FA setup is pending
CORE-15579 - Correct FTP path for Weebly product configuration wtih DirectAdmin
Also known as: ADDON-6128
CORE-15562 - Always use selected currency on domain availability checks
MODULE-7471 - Prevent email failure from affecting invoice status
MODULE-7500 - Improve duplicate subscriptions detection for PayPal Checkout
MODULE-7516 - Improve error message rendering in Admin Area with Stripe
MODULE-7521 - Correct logging of invalid Stripe based callback signature
MODULE-7523 - Correct method of argument handling within DomainStatusSync
Project Management Addon
PMA-177 - Ensure Associate Invoice returns relevant search results
CORE-15401 - Update Hungarian translations
CORE-15489 - Update Norwegian translations