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WHMCS whmcs 7.8.0 RC 1 Nulled

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In WHMCS 7.8, clients can now store multiple Pay Methods for faster checkout. During checkout and manual payment of an invoice, clients can choose any stored Pay Method that is applicable (or create a new one) for that single payment.
This work also introduces support for multiple token gateways to be configured and used concurrently within the product as well as introduces support for storage and management of bank account payment details.

Server Sync Tool
The new way to keep servers in-sync and reduce dormant account usage
Server Sync is a new tool available in WHMCS 7.8 to help you identify accounts that exist on a web server that do not exist within WHMCS and vica-versa. This allows you to more easily identify and terminate old and unnecessary accounts on a web server, as well as ensure service records within WHMCS are up-to-date and accurate.
Accessed via the Server Configuration UI within the WHMCS admin area, this new tool supports cPanel, Plesk and DirectAdmin at launch, and is available for module developers to integrate into custom and 3rd party modules too.

Free Two-Factor Authentication
Time-Based Tokens now freely available in WHMCS 7.8
Two-Factor Authentication via Time-Based Tokens is available to all in WHMCS 7.8 and is recommended for added account security.
For new installations of 7.8 or later, Two-Factor Authentication via Time-Based Tokens will be available by default to client and admin users. For existing installations if you have not previously enabled Time-Based Tokens, you can do so in Setup > Staff Management > Two-Factor Authentication.
As before, administrative users can enable Two-Factor Authentication via the My Account page within the Admin Area. Client users can enable Two-Factor Authentication via the Security Settings page with the Account menu of the Client Area.
Learn More about Two-Factor Authentication

Client Area Password Generator
Encourage use of stronger more secure passwords
The Client Area now includes an automatic password generator for all password input fields allowing clients to have a password automatically generated and filled into the field.
The automatic password generation is intended to help encourage the use of more secure passwords with a default length of 12 characters containing a mix of letters, numbers and special characters.

Hide & Retire Product Addons
Remove addons from sale and retire them from use
In WHMCS 7.8 it is now possible to hide product addons just like you can products. A hidden product addon is visible within the admin area but not visible within the shopping cart.
You can also now retire product addons as well. A retired product addon is neither visible to clients within the client area or administrative users within the admin area.

Server Setup Auto-complete
Speeding up the process of adding new servers
A new wizard based server creation process speeds up the process of adding new web servers by automatically completing some fields for you.
Simply enter your Server API credentials for a cPanel, Plesk or DirectAdmin server and the remaining fields are auto-filled where possible.
This new wizard based process is available in addition to the previous server creation workflow, so you can continue to use the previous UX if desired and module developers can make this functionality in their own modules too.

Ticket Attachment Pruning
Remove old attachments for reduced disk usage and reduced liability
Ticket Attachment Pruning allows you to remove attachments associated with support tickets following a defined period of inactivity. This helps to reduce disk usage as well as the liability of storing sensitive information that is no longer needed.
Ticket Attachment Pruning can be performed on-demand or scheduled to occur automatically after a given amount of ticket of ticket inactivity has passed.

Improved Credit Audit Trail
Track who issues credits plus a simplified review process
When an admin user adds or removes credit from a client, this is now logged. The admin user who performed the operation can be viewed within the credit log for any given client.
A new report - the "Credits Reviewer Report" - has also been made available that allows for reviewing credits issued in bulk along with filtering options such as date range and admin user who performed it.

Stripe Elements and 3D Secure V2 (SCA)
WHMCS 7.8 migrates the Stripe integration to use Stripe Elements. Primarily Stripe Elements means reduced PCI compliance requirements for you as a merchant. By using Stripe Elements, no sensitive data hits your servers and you qualify for the easiest form of PCI compliance which shields you from costly and time-sensitive audits.
In addition, WHMCS 7.8 features full support for 3D Secure - also commonly known as Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode - including 3D Secure V2 which provides compliance with the upcoming SCA requirements in Europe.

GoCardless Mandate Reinstatement
Easily reinstate cancelled direct debit mandates
A cancelled mandate can now be reinstated from the Payment Gateways page within the WHMCS Admin Area. This can be useful if a client mistakently or erroneously cancels a direct debit agreement.
Learn More about the Mandate Reinstatement
63.8 MB
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  1. 7.8.0 RC 1

  2. WHMCS V7.8.0 Beta 2

    Maintenance CORE-13510 - Correct Remote Storage Failed error when adding new Stripe Pay Method...

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