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WHMCS WHMCS 6.2.2 Nulled

No permission to download whmcs com 2016-02-03 19-25-44.png

This version of WHMCS 6.2.2 NULLED has been nulled by NulledTeam (Downloaded from WHMCS and Nulled the license information). I recommended upgrading to this version for security. We do not include anything to harm your site.

Items all unlocked to use include:
  • Branding Removal
  • Project Management Addon
  • Licensing Addon
  • Mobile Edition
  • iPhone App
  • Android App
  • Configurable Package Addon
  • Live Chat Monthly No Branding
  • License expires on 02-05-2050

How to install it ?
- Very simple, in License Key field, you only need put License Key. After that you can install normally as other scripts.

WHMCS is the World's Leading Web Hosting Billing & Automation Platform. A complete solution for web hosts, WHMCS provides everything you need to sell web hosting and related services with high levels of automation.

Version 6.2.2
CORE-6997 (#4159) - Fix IDN domain lookup in admin area lookup tool
CORE-7190 (#4460) - Fix emails sending as plain text when they contain only an image
CORE-7225 (#4500) - Fix erroneous logging of password change on product edit
CORE-8356 - Fix ticket import error from emails containing Hebrew characters
CORE-8886 - Improve password handling during installation process
CORE-9008 - Ensure PDF attachments respect the client's language setting
CORE-9010 - Improve handling of duplicate domains with multiple statuses
CORE-9088 - Exclude mass pay invoices from client area invoice summary
CORE-9165 - Ensure consistent behavior on changing currency when viewing cart
CORE-9267 - Improve display of username when logging in as existing customer in cart checkout
CORE-9355 - Retain preferred payment method when updating profile information
CORE-9366 - Ensure fields and format consistency in all client profile pages
CORE-9383 - Ensure compatibility in using special characters in piped emails and ticket replies
CORE-9398 - Update CSV export download link description
CORE-9415 - Ensure support for merge fields in addon welcome e-mails
CORE-9418 - Remove use of deprecated preg_replace modifier in pipe script
CORE-9425 - Ensure existing domains can still be transferred when Block Existing Domains enabled
CORE-9439 - Health Check: Add iconv to recommended php extensions
CORE-9450 - Improve PayPal Addon Transaction Lookup messaging on no invoice match
CORE-9459 - Improve grammar of success message on server change
CORE-9465 - Improve Email Marketer Tool CC rules when sending emails contacts and clients
CORE-9467 - Prevent nameserver 1 field being saved incorrectly on server modification
CORE-9470 - Fix fixed term termination days setting not retaining value in product settings
CORE-9475 - Update WHOIS servers for .Irish, .Lawyer and .Pub
CORE-9479 - Fix rendering of billing period for annual items when monthly pricing breakdown is enabled
CORE-9484 - Modal should dismiss automatically on selection of an affiliate in admin view order page
CORE-9490 - Health Check: Introduce warning for Older Versions of MySQL
CORE-9497 - Prevent fatal error on re-ordering of product groups under certain conditions
CORE-9501 - Ensure all product parameters are made available to ProductEdit hook calls
CORE-9506 - Create credit log entry when providing an initial credit balance on adding clients
CORE-9511 - Add additional template variable in order forms for short pricing style with currency suffix
CORE-9512 - Add option to strip utf8mb4 in general settings
CORE-9521 - Improve handling of creating UUID field on upgrade
CORE-9529 - Ensure client contacts appear when adding orders in admin area
Also known as: CORE-9635
CORE-9531 - Improve display of non-active clients in view/search clients page
CORE-9535 - Improve email text placement when importing email validated with SpamCop
CORE-9539 - Improve VAT Moss Report display for previous years
CORE-9543 - Improve handling of line breaks in plain text email templates
CORE-9554 - Improve calculation logic of Affiliate Payout Amount in Affiliate Program homepage
CORE-9578 - Grammar updates to /lang/english.php file
CORE-9586 - Update to .pe whois servers

MODULE-6270 - Improve handling of special characters in company name field in Nominet module
MODULE-6319 - Provide consistency in select/deselect all accounts option in cPanel/WHM Import Tool
MODULE-6325 - Improved bandwidth reporting in Interworx module
MODULE-6347 - Improve usage statistics gathering for reseller accounts in cPanel module
MODULE-6349 - Add support for gTLDs in OnlineNIC registrar module
MODULE-6351 - Update manual entry key creation in One Time Passwords module
MODULE-6363 - Hide Release Domain option when 'AllowClientTAGChange' option is disabled in Nominet module configuration settings
CORE-9109 - Update ChronoPay payment URL
CORE-9291 - Update html entity encoding rules in Bank Transfer payment module
CORE-9530 - Improve display of Network Status Widget to include Load and Uptime values

CORE-9339 - Modifications to AddClient API to populate custom client field values

CORE-8613 - Russian & Ukrainian translation additions and improvements
CORE-8879 - Farsi translation additions and improvements
CORE-8970 - German translation additions and improvements
CORE-8987 - Portugese translation additions and improvements
CORE-9178 - Romanian translation additions and improvements
CORE-9215 - Portugese translation additions and improvements
CORE-9227 - Spanish translation additions and improvements
CORE-9234 - Dutch translation additions and improvements
CORE-9235 - Hebrew translation additions and improvements
CORE-9392 - Traditional Chinese translation additions and improvements
CORE-9424 - Farsi translation additions and improvements
CORE-9469 - Macedonian language client area translation
CORE-9474 - French translation additions and improvements
CORE-9482 - Updates to the Brazilian Portuguese client area language file
CORE-9489 - Hebrew translation additions and improvements
Also known as: CORE-9448
CORE-9493 - Hebrew translation additions and improvements to admin area
CORE-9522 - French translation additions and improvements
CORE-9533 - Portugese translation additions and improvements
CORE-9599 - Swedish translation additions and improvements
30.8 MB
First release
Last update

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