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What's New Digest

xF2 Add-on What's New Digest 5.1.0

No permission to download
  • update helper_account template modification to work with both XF2.3 and earlier versions
  • listen for sparkpostmail_non_transactional_stop_map event and use the whatsnewdigest email stopper
  • tweak unsubscribe confirmation message
  • separate out getMail function so we can over-ride it and add functionality
The test tool was not respecting the exclude forums list from the options - that is now fixed.

Note that this bug did not affect the emails sent to users - that did use the exclude forums list correctly.
Fixed typo in XF\EmailUnsubscribe\Processor::applyUserUnsubscribeAction - thanks to @Mouth for finding the bug!
  • bugfix: was trying to filter new or updated threads even if none were found
bugfix: wrong visibility on function userSaveProcess

  • ignore users who don't have an email address
  • mail template tweaks
  • remove old class extensions that shouldn't be there
  • bugfix: we weren't setting $total in the controller even though we passed it in the template parameters, we don't actually need it for display_totals and php 7.3 now errors when we pass an unset variable to compact(), so removing it

coolmaniakLatest member